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- 'Å' (world) - Text by Steve Bowers
Cerean class dwarf planet 269 ly from Sol.
- Abbas - Text by Steve Bowers
A lifeless supergaian terraformed and inhabited by clades tolerant of high gravity.
- Abraxas - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Autonomous Sophic League habitats in hinteregion MPA space.
- Abruzzen - Text by Anders Sandberg
Solar Dominion world notable for being the lowest world of the Dominion relative to the galactic plane when in 3644 the famous explorer Killavan Yu-Tang set off from here on a long-range survey of the galactic disc.
- Abydos (Cor Caroli) - Text by Anders Sandberg
The highly magnetic A-Class star Abydos is a useful source of magnetic energy.
- Adorate - Text by M. Alan Kazlev and Anders Sandberg
Sophic enclave in the Perseus Arm, fallen to the Amalgamation in 8761.
- Ahreemi Meetpoint - Text by Todd Drashner
Asymptote civilization aligned loosely toward the NoCoZo.
- Ain Soph Aur (Delta Capricorni) - Text by Todd Drashner
One of the most advanced and heavily developed systems in the Inner Sphere.
- Akasha - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Important system in the Pleiades volume, founded by Nuage tweaks.
- Akela (Wolf 359) - Text by Anders Sandberg
Inner Sphere system near Sol. Site of the first known example of ahuman artifacts known as the Chandeliers.
- Aksijaha (Alpha Lyrae) - Text by Steve Bowers, Rynn, The Astronomer, Adam Getchell, Todd Drashner, and Dangerous Safety
The Root of the Wormhole Nexus.
- Albireo - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
(Beta Cygni) Double star in the Cygnus Inner Quadrant, developed by a number of superbright and po clades.
- Alcor and Mizar - Text by Steve Bowers
These two star systems in the Plough are an important point of contact between the Solar Dominion and the Solipsist Panvirtuality.
- Aldebaran - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
A giant, old, orange star about 40 times the diameter of Sol. Colonized and industrialized in the middle Federation period, this ancient resource-rich Inner Sphere system had a varied history. Currently notable as an important Relay on the Wormhole Network.
- Aleph Absolute - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Collinder 359: Young open cluster in the Keter Dominion, site of the largest archailect concentration in known space.
- Alexandria (Tichy 44-III) - Text by Anders Sandberg
Middle Regions world known for its vast libraries and archives, and the unusual co-operative Alexandrian ecosystem. Part of the Negentropy Alliance.
- Alfirk Panvirtuality Swarm - Text by Steve Bowers
Solipsist Panvirtuality swarm with some degree of contact with the Sephirotic Empire worlds nearby.
- Algol (Beta Persei) - Text by M. Alan Kazlev and Steve Bowers
Triple star system in the constellation Perseus: part of the NoCoZo and headquarters of the Algol Broadcasting Foundation.
- Alnitak (Zeta Orionis) - Text by Steve Bowers
Class O Supergiant (spectral Type O9.7Ib) in the Orion Federation, emitting prodigious amounts of energy. Seen from Sol System this star is at the eastern end of the Orion's belt. Alnitak is the site of extensive antimatter production and also a long term starlifting project. Site of an unfortunate transcension accident involving the archai Herne. (See also the Xyloplax Incident.)
- Alpamis (Pi Mensae) - Text by Updated by The Astronomer 2022
Minor NoCoZo system.
- Alpha Centauri - Text by Steve Bowers and John M. Dollan
Colonised by Von Neumann Machines (neumanns) in the Solsys Era; these self-replicating machines were designed to be self-evolving and independent, and rejected any further human contact once they arrived. This led to the loss of the resource-rich Alpha Centauri system.
- Alpha Star - Text by Thorbørn Steen
A polity in the Seams. Before the Version War, a prosperous system called Harkington's Star.
- Altair - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Fast-rotating A7V star, originally part of the Diamond Belt, in the constellation Aquila (the eagle), 16. 5 light years from Sol. The name Altair means "flying eagle" in Old Earth Arabic.
- Amalthea - Text by Steve Bowers
Inner moon of Jupiter (Sol V).
- Amaterasu - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Originally a Conver Ambi outpost world annexed by the Solar Dominion during the Conver Wars, captured by Metasoft relativist fleets during the Version War, returned to the Dominion after the War.
- Amboseli - Text by Steve Bowers
Provolved Ungulate colony
- Amethyst Habitat - Text by ProxCenBound
Amethyst Habitat is a McKendree Cylinder in the Tongokarbo Orbital Band around the star Resshuna (Groombridge 1618). It is the largest individual spin habitat in the band, and the 3rd largest in the system.
- Amida System, the - Text by Radtech497
Star system formed in the Omega Centauri dwarf galaxy.
- Anahita (Gliese 249) - Text by M. Alan Kazlev, updated by The Astronomer 2021
Inner Sphere system; Anahita was originally colonized by Dionysians during the expansion of the Erotocracy. After its dissolution it became part of the Conver Ambi, but retained extensive contacts with other Inner Sphere worlds. Currently a Metasoft system.
- Ananda (world) - Text by Anders Sandberg
Gas giant in the Eden system.
- Anaximander (system) - Text by Quantum Jack
System containing the Kammerer xenosophont biome
- Anomie - Text by Steve Bowers
Formerly Tadmor - Cyberian agitcenter, hit by Babel Plague variant.
- Aolai (Gamma Leporis) - Text by Stephen Inniss
Aolai (Gamma Leporis) contains two Klemperer rosettes of artificial planets, and hosts a rich complex of civilisations under the umbrella of the Institute for Primate Provolution.
- Apogee Maximal - Text by Todd Drashner
Brown dwarf orbiting approximately 1120 light years directly galactic North of the Sol system and thus just outside the main plain of the galactic disk. The world is orbited by 14 moons including 6 similar in mass and composition to the Jovian Galilean satellites.
- April - Text by Anders Sandberg
Inner Sphere non-aligned world with a high axial tilt, in orbit around Beta Hydri
- Ararat - Text by D. David Barbeau
One of the three Capitals of the Sophic League, the other two being Sacred Heart and New Taylor. Terraformed by a long vanished alien race to almost perfect human standards.
- Arbiter B-IIX - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Located in the Keter dominion. Center of the Pulsar Alignment Movement and an important wormhole nexus.
- Arcadia (Beta Comae Berenices) - Text by Updated 2021 by Steve Bowers, The Astronomer and Dangerous Safety
An Inner Sphere early colonized world. Climate extremes forced genetic modification and development of communal hive culture.
- Arcturus - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
(Alpha Boötis) A centre of the distributed Cyberian Network. Seen from Sol this is the brightest star in the constellation Boötes (the herdsman). It is a red giant (spectral type K1.5IIIp). Arcturus is 34 light-years from Sol. It has an absolute magnitude of 0.2.
- Argelander - Text by M. Alan Kazlev and Steve Bowers
Important NoCoZo system; the shipyards of Argelander are famous.
- Aries Vector - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Major Metasoft world, important industrial center, after New Root the largest population of vecs in the Metasoft domain; includes major Stargate superPlexii.
- Aristophane - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
The huge Westphalian D Orbitals of the Aristophane system (Sophic League) are home to the largest selection of labyrinthodonts in the galaxy, where all 2,680 known late Carboniferous Terragen species have been lovingly recreated in their original environments.
- Aristotle (Delta Pavonis) - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Class G8IV star 19.9 light years from Sol; the planetary system contains Darwin, a Eugaian garden world and the gas giants Wallace and Huxley.
- Arkab Prior A - Text by Steve Bowers
Negentropy Alliance system with a dense Dyson Swarm. Part of a binary system with Arkab Prior B.
- Arkab Prior B - The Necklace - Text by Steve Bowers
MPA system with hundreds of Bishop Ring Habitats. Part of a binary system with Arkab Prior A.
- Arkady 2 - Text by Jules H-G, additional notes by Anders Sandberg
The only Terragen-inhabited planet in the Toke system. Famous for its strange Terragen dwellers known as the Khira, who augment themselves with huge cybernetic enhancements.
- Arnon Dar - Text by Anders Sandberg and M. Alan Kazlev
Negentropist system, birthplace of the diplomat and ahimsite visionary Alecha Canizares.
- Arron's Prospect - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Solar system in Turner I Plexus, provisionally MPA but with Old House Cygexpa interests, most well known for the artefacts left by HIE-233-MPE the Jacks, a race of extinct jovian xenosophonts.
- Arugula - Text by Steve Bowers
Vec bubblehab planet
- Atlantis (Zeta1 Reticuli II) - Text by Anders Sandberg and M. Alan Kazlev
Inner sphere old core world; a long-standing NoCoZo Tier III society.
- Audubon System, The - Text by Steve Bowers
Capital system of the LinnEnt Empire
- Avanola - Text by Alex Mulvey
Independent Middle Regions system with no significant planets
- Avase - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Minor NoCoZo system, Centauri sector. Its only claim to fame was the battle of 5502, where PCO forces scored their first victory over the Paradigm and turned the tide of the war. The system is currently home to a patriotic but otherwise irrelevant culture that trades in nanocloned war memorabilia, medals and PCO fleet uniforms, and speaks of the day coming soon when they will "finish the job" and "whip the Paradigm's butt".
- Avensis - Text by Anders Sandberg and M. Alan Kazlev
Capital of the Cooperative Venture - a number of Networked civilizations studying relics from lost alien civilizations.
- Aw Addia and Snowy Aia - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Third planet, Van de Bos' Star and surrounding megastructures.
- Baenf - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Terraformed Utopia Sphere world, located in the Utopia Outer Arae, about 50 LY from the Negentropist border, and linked by a Stargate to the important Negentropist port of St Xye.
- Balance Wheel - Text by Stephen Inniss
A star system on the Metasoft periphery, colonized by a single vec named Mainspring and several billion of eir specialized subordinate scions.
- Barawatten - Text by Anders Sandberg
Also known as 70 Ophiuchi II-2. A Europan type moon of the major gas giant Garell. The current allegiance of the inhabitants is to Keter.
- Barboro - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Psi Capricorni, one of first Keterist systems to be established.
- Barnard's Star - Text by Anders Sandberg
Surrounded by extensive asteroid belts, Barnard was one of the first systems to be colonised by the First Federation.
- Baryos - Text by ProxCenBound and Anders Sandberg
Artificial planet inside a neutrino star.
- Barzelona - Text by Steve Bowers
Architecturally obsessed posthuman world.
- Bayanty - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Believed to be the site of Free-form Perfect Art created by certain resident hyperturings. However, visitors and tourists are discouraged by the local authorities.
- Beaual - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Independent, important House Stevens Middle Regions system, former Sagittarius Sphere.
- Beelzebub - Text by Grant Thomas
Harsh world known for the presence of the clarketech artifact MellaUx 137.
- Benes (HD 17925) - Text by Updated & expanded by The Astronomer (2020)
Inner Sphere system near Rana
- Bentharis - Text by Aaron Hamilton
Hov's'sa home solar system.
- Beta Arae - Text by M. Alan Kazlev and Steve Bowers
Star at the core of the Utopia Sphere.
- Beta Pictoris - Text by Mike Miller
Newly formed Inner Sphere system
- Betelgeuse - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Alpha Orionis, the capital of the Betelgeuse volume, a reddish supergiant star, 660 light-years from Sol.
- Bethsyngaria, Republic of - Text by Tony Jones
Local empire in the NoCoZo which suffered a runaway population explosion.
- Big Ben's World - Text by ROM 65536
Artificial planet around an O-Type star.
- Big Bob - Text by Steve Bowers
A superjovian gas giant orbiting YTS 785634.09 in Puppis, where the primitive lifeforms called Angel Hair have evolved.
- Big Tor - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Prosperous Sophic League/Free Sophic/NoCoZo system, home of the BigTor Plexus.
- Bill and Bull - Text by Anders Sandberg
Double planets around Delta Eridani (Rana). Location of Vulcan's Forge and the baroque Vore Abergist culture.
- Bizarro World - Text by Mike Miller
Artificial antimatter planet in deep space.
- Black Acropolis - Text by Anders Sandberg
A Dyson swarm built by a vanished civilization that has since been colonised by a number of other species
- Blanchard - Text by Steve Bowers
Venus-like world covered in a layer of inhabitable balloons.
- Blefuscu - Text by Steve Bowers
Superterrestrial world with a population of minaturised humans.
- Blenke Cluster - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Important Communion of Worlds member-system.
- Blue (Garden World) - Text by Thorbørn Steen
The waterworld Blue, with its native xenoecology, gives its name to this system in the Seams
- Blueshift Archipelago - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Important Metasoft cluster of systems.
- Bolobo - Text by Steve Bowers
A planetary system with no large planets, but several smaller worlds which have been shephereded over time into stable orbits.
- Bone-Claw (Eta Cephei) - Text by Liam Jones
Eta Cephei, a Provolved Hyena system.
- Bonfire System, The - Text by Mike Miller
Middle Regions MPA world, a Transapient-arbitrated cyberdemocracy
- Bothyga M'Vau - Text by Anders Sandberg
World with highly developed machine-ecology.
- Bourgatov - Text by Anders Sandberg
(Theta Persei III) Formerly one of the most populous systems of the Inner Sphere, at its height home to 34 billion humans, splices and vecs. Wiped out by a collapse at the end of the Integration.
- Braciola - Text by A Pork Chop
Middle Regions world with an ecological consciousness.
- Branswerg (Gliese 868) - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
One of the first Keterist systems.
- Branton-II - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Terraformed planet in the outer volumes Perseus Quadrant of the Outer Cassiopeia Sector, colonists captured by rogue AI to use as biotic matrix for the Xeon blight.
- Brin - Text by Anders Sandberg
42 Tauri IV : Site of the Battle of Erson.
- Budrosa Dyson - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Former Negentropy world. Currently an Efficiency Maximization Paradigm dyson sphere, used for energy production.
- Bullseye - Text by Steve Bowers
Tidally locked terraformed world with post-intelligent population.
- Byrdis (also known as Kaa Yvanti) - Text by Anders Sandberg
A 40,000 kilometer long former beanstalk orbiting Kaa Yavanti which was severed during the Refutology war and has now become an independent habitat.
Text by Orion's Arm Editors
Initially published on 31 December 2007.