Sophont, sapient and sentient entities inhabiting virtual environments |
![]() Image from Keith Wigdor and Midjourney AI |
![]() Image from StableDiffusion | |
the visual avatar of a citizen from the Quadrilateral Vapor Orbital band |
![]() Image from StableDiffusion | |
A swarm of citizens of the Quint 42nd Ascended Hierarchy explore their cybercosm |
"You visited the Matterfield?? Why would you go to such a backwater? " Sigmoid Darkness regarded their friend with frank astonishment " I am quite glad to see you back though!"
You know how I do enjoy charity work, Old Sigmoid" Yatima replied. E floated there, in the lower regions of the forum. "You do know the Matterfield peoples aren't one polity though? They're quite diverse for the mere 47 embodied administrative districts at the matter-level of our star system. Everything from high temperature Unkiar bots near to the sun, to the traditional water and hydrocarbon-based tweaks in the Carrauntoohil Orbitals that I visited in the outer system"
"Ah yes. I hadn't really kept the memory in my own mind. Rude of me, really."
"Don't worry about it. The citizens there just continue to insist on keeping their minds almost entirely in their material bodies. Can you imagine, still using meat and polymers as your primary method of communication? Or sound, like a meat animal from prehistory? They've got some normal messaging like us too, but I had to use their language, with some traditional drone bodies I borrowed from the locals. It was cute, really. Quite clever how they continue to rig everything together with matter, like our infrastructure does. Maybe I'll use a "meat-minds and matterfields"- themed environment at my next fundraiser."
Yatima paused while ve visualized a few designs and notes.
' assistants and I took a primitive technologies survival course- cellular fabrication, meat neuroscience, body piloting etc... and went there to do another round of development work, in the hopes that we might convince more of them to immigrate. Hopefully we'll convince enough of them that we can convert another of their orbitals into properly civilized infrastructure"
"Did you succeed?"
"I convinced a few of them at first- then managed to connect with one of the transapient governors at an economic development conference, the Hive Mountain. E sponsored us and approved fabricating a few thousand more drone bodies for temporary use by my forks. I fit right into the governor's initiative for another energy efficiency retrofit, apparently. Can you believe how wasteful they still are out there? Using physical spacecraft and fuel for personal transportation? And the way they raise food.." Yatima ((shuddered)).
"Well, our infrastructure is using the same kinds of reactors too of course...conversion... even some orbital solar panels.." Sigmoid Darkness had been inspecting the figures in detail.
"Yes, but to power the servers that host all of us and our environments! Not some backwards urban planning like they have! Did you know, the embodied nations in this system have only 1% of our total population, but collectively use 20% of the energy generated or captured? I'm polite about it when I'm around them, but they're so obsessed with "individual material rights" and 'following traditions' as if our ancestors just invented software development! it's like they never left the diaspora times." Yatima ((gestured)) wildly.
"Well you know how it is better than I do, at least until you give me your experiences - we have to respect their way of life don't we? Otherwise we're just the Diamond-net-sponsored colonialists their radicals are always talking about on their news."-"Conversations in Hive Mountain Cyberspace Relationships" by Yatima Seventhfork, 8749 AT (local embodied time)
![]() Image from Steve Bowers |