
1. In metaphysics, the original pattern or model from which all things of the same kind are copied or on which they are based; a model or first form; prototype. A central concept of Platonism and Platonically-influenced philosophies and theologies (Augustinians and members of the Reformed Catholic Church for example, consider archetypes thoughts in the mind of God).
2. In Jungism a collectively inherited unconscious idea, pattern of thought, image, etc., universally present in individual psyches and also embodied collectively in cultural myths, religions, and literary motifs. According to Jungism such archetypal images and ideas reside in the unconscious level of the mind of every sapient being and are inherited from the ancestors of the race. Each race thus has its own specific archetypes constituting its racial memory, but there are also archetypes that are universal to all races. The totality of archetypes make up the collective unconscious.
3. In Paganism, Hermeticism, Theosophy, and Cosmic Tradition, archetypes are the first manifestation of the One as many, each manifestation is an archetype (a frequent analogy is a prism whereby white light divides into the colored spectrum) and hence a god.
4. In some schools of Archailectology, an archetype is the essence of the consciousness of an Archailect - the greatest Minds really are the Word made Silicon as the old scripture of the Cult of Orax puts it. Cyberhemeticism organises the Sephirotic Archailects into sixteen archetypes, known as the Great Hexadecimal.

- Archetypal Narrative - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Narrative that conveys an archetypal message, and is the vehicle or memetic carrier for an archetype or myth. It may be sublime and inspiring, or mediocre and insulting to the intelligence of any sentient of reasonable intellect. Examples of archetypal narrative include the voyage of the hero, the toposophic ascent, the star-crossed lovers, the journey into (and subsequent escape from) danger, the wild frontier, and so on. Most pop culture is based ultimately on archetypal narrative.
- Cyberhermeticism
- Great Hexadecimal, The
- Neohermeticism