
Also known as Bots |
A programmable device, agent, or expert system with a physical body, by definition non-sophont, that follows certain instructions in order to perform tasks autonomously. In common parlance, they are generally known as 'bots'. Usually a physical (hardware) robotic mechanical system equipped with manipulators and sensors. A robot may perform a physical task normally done by a biont, often with greater speed, strength, efficiency, and precision.
Although vecs are sometimes also called robots (because of similarity of appearance), robots differ from vecs in that they are less cognitively flexible, and lack or have only limited initiative. Most vecs would respond to being called "robot" the way most sophont bionts would respond to being called "animal".
The term "robot" was introduced by the Industrial Age fabulist Karel Čapek. The word means "work" or "drudgery" in Old Earth Slovak or Czech.
The word bot is generally reserved for devices or programs which are not self-aware (that is, non-sophont) but are capable of acting within certain limits. Like vots, non-sophont bots can have a wide range of capabilities. Many are simply automatons, although most are capable of responding to simple speech and responding in kind. Often bots are organised into swarms capable of distributed processing; these swarms usually consist of small, nano-scale, micro-scale or meso-scale elements, although macroscale swarms are not unknown.
The most sophisticated non-sophont bots are designed to emulate sophont behaviour very closely, often to the point where a typical modosophont observer would not be able to tell the difference. Bots which can realistically behave as if they are sophont are sometimes known as 'characterbots' or 'simulacra' (singular 'simulacrum'), and may be used to perform a wide range of roles where the use of true sophonts would be problematic. Simulacra bots or characterbots can be used as background characters in real-life adventure habitats, historical or fantasy-themed habitats, and sometimes just to increase the population in a newly-built or sparsely-populated environment. They can also be used as companions for modosophont individuals who are living in isolated locations or on long journeys in space.
Characterbots or simulacra bear some resemblance to the hypothetical 'philosophical zombie', an entity which behaves like a truly sophont being without having any internal experience of events. However, characterbots or simulacra are simply the product of careful design and programming, and are optimised to act like true people without any feelings of happiness or suffering. Their virtual equivalent is the charactervot.
Bots can be arranged in multiple to form active materials such as utility fog. From autodocs to erotobots, the everyday lives of sophonts throughout the terragen sphere are made possible by trillions of tireless, mindless and utterly dependable bots.
Use of robot bodies by sophont entities
Sophont entities sometimes use remote bots, also known as remotes, to operate in locations distant from their main processing substrate. Another related technology is the 'temporary body', usually a robotic body that can be used to contain a downloaded sophont entity on a temporary basis after engeneration. More sophisticated temporary bodies are biological or synanotech in nature. Indeed, in the Current Era most robotic designs of all kinds utilise various levels and grades of synanotech in their design.

- Biobots
- Blockbot
- Bot Marxism
- Botworld
- Bushbot, Bushvec
- Cryovecs, Cryobots
- Cytobot - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
A bot approximately the size of a cell. Alternatively, a bionano or biomeso-based and/or built or grown organic device the size and shape of a biological cell; an artificial but still organic cell that can be given instructions like any nano or mesobot.
- Dormbot
- Early Vec and Neumann Development
- Erotobot - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
A bot designed for erotic or sexual purposes.
- Gelbot
- HeggiBOTtom - Text by John B
Famous engineer-bot and debatemeister. The name is an acronym of Heuristic Guess/Grind Intelligence 'BOT of Tomorrow.
- Homebot
- Joey the BurpBot - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Somewhat infantile early First Federation toon shown on SNM (Solwide Netcasting Mediaworld) from 3058 to 3122, about a lovable but bumbling and gluttonous vec called "Joey", and eir friends. Despite being a vec, he still experiences ordinary biont hunger, and exhibits a full range of scatological and semiscatological biont behaviours that small children find exciting. Eir burps in particular are so loud they shake entire arcologies. Joey the BurpBot was popular among not only juveniles but peterpans as well. A remake was netcast in the 3680s but it failed to capture the success of the original
- Knowbot - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Knowledge robot, a data miner or intelligent search agent, a type of software-only aioid, instructed by users to scan networks for various kinds of related information, regardless of the language or form in which it expressed. May be turing or subturing grade.
- Membot, Memebot
- Mesobot - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
An autonomous device or structure, whether sentient or non-sentient, of mesoscale size (generally 10-7 to 10-6 m); very large nanodevices like foglets and cytobots. May be organic and biological, mechanical and aioidal, or any combination of the two.
- Microbot - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Autonomous device on the microscale (10-6 m); larger than a nanobot but smaller than a macroscopic bot (the limit is usually set somewhat arbitrarily at one millimeter). Microbots are used for a variety of tasks such as monitoring, repairs, nanite transport and production and smart materials.
- Mini-bot
- Mitebot - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Microscopic or near-microscopic organic or mechanical robot, usually arachnid-like in form. Similar to a gnatbot except that it crawls rather than flies.
- Modubots
- Nanobot
- Plantbots
- Ratbot
- Robotics
- Slaved AI
- Softbots and softvecs
- Synsects