Asymptote System - Text by Anders Sandberg A place where many species converge. Usually trading and network nexuses, and generally core systems for a Cooperative Venture.
Citizens (Zars) - Text by M. Alan Kazlev with additional note by Steve Bowers Citizens, or zars, are sophonts who have some say in the running of their environment and polity. "Zar" is the Anglic name for this concept.
Environment - Text by M. Alan Kazlev [1] The physical or virtual surroundings in which sentient beings live; The air, water, organisms, minerals, and other external objects that surround and affect an organism. [2] From the perspective of any system, rest of the world or universe. [3] Any precious biosphere, especially a garden world.
Eugenics - Text by Tony Jones Some transapients attempt to shape species using selective breeding.
Extinction Event - Text by M. Alan Kazlev Extinction of a lesser or greater number of biological or alife species, usually as a result of environmental trauma, deliberate extermination or assimilation (e.g. by a blight or swarm) or inability to compete with rival organisms.
Fads and Fashions - Text by M. Alan Kazlev Every society knows its fads and fashions; since the dawn of mass communications during the late Industrial Age, such fashions have influenced many millions of persons at a time, and in a few cases today such fashions spread to suitable societies via the wormhole network to blanket the entire Terragen Sphere.
God Dwellers - Text by M. Alan Kazlev Sentient to transapient entities who live inside the structures of archailects.
Industrialization - Text by Stephen Inniss, after the original by M. Alan Kazlev The development of a manufacturing sector in a region's socioeconomy. The actual effects of industrialization vary dramatically according to the level and the type of the technologies employed and according to the local culture's prior experience with managing those technologies.
Morphodynamics - Text by Liam Jones How sophonts alter their bodies and minds over time. It encompasses everything from minor alterations to uploading, changing clades, and breaching toposophic barriers.
Novelty Node - Text by Stephen Inniss In memetics, a region or time of particular memetic influence, one that generates new concepts, philosophies and fashions that influence a broad region and may have effects lasting for decades, centuries, or even millennia. A number of such nodes have been or are presently active within the Terragen sphere. Some of these are associated with full-blown Renaissance Events.
Paradigm - Text by M. Alan Kazlev [1] A pattern, model, or general approach to solving a problem. [2] A memetically entrenched way of looking at things. [3] Short for the Efficiency Maximization Paradigm.
Paranoid, Paranoids - Text by M. Alan Kazlev Generic term for individuals, subcultures, or communities who have adopted the meme that the SI:1 and higher intelligences wish to coldly dominate, manipulate, and/or exterminate S<1 sophonts, and that salvation lies through establishing hider communities, through high level cryptography, or through setting up communities or civilizations beyond the reach of of the archai.
Polity - Text by M. Alan Kazlev An organized society; a state or quasistate; any form of politico-social organization.
Pop Culture - Text by Anders Sandberg and M. Alan Kazlev The accretion of fads and fluff that has built up over the millennia - ever changing in details, ever constant in fundamentals. Although most pop-culture is S<1, there is also a rich tradition of transingularity pop-culture.
Renaissance Event - Text by Stephen Inniss A flowering of artistic creativity, scientific discovery, technology and trade, together with some significant changes in the operation of personal culture, and a political ferment. There is typically a "rediscovery" of some older cultural models and information or an influx of new foreign ideas, or both, and usually an upsurge in local population. A renaissance event often sets the pattern for future cultural development in ages to follow.
Thanatology - Text by Steve Bowers The study of life and death as experienced in the Sephirotic Empires.
Translation and Language Cladization - Text by Anders Sandberg Instead of unity and a single tongue, there was a great cladization of languages during the First Federation era. This is because the different habitats got together and could hardly understand each other, and AI was now so cheap that everybody could afford translator devices. So instead of forcing linguistic convergence (although some did their best to make a common language), a lot of clades diverged further protected from outside influences in cocoons of translation.
Translation Metamorphosis - Text by Tony Jones A problem that can arise when virch entities move from one virch environment to another is that there are beings which will be so altered by the translation that they are effectively utterly different beings in the two different virches.