LinnEnt (Linnaeus Enterprises)

A commercial empire in the First Federation era and later, dedicated to colonising new systems using Engenerator technology.
Originating in Linnaeus orbit, in the HR 8501A system, this megacorp used the newly developed interstellar engenerator to populate several worlds, including Twinkle, Bolobo, Roanoke, Nadia and Hammerstein. At first the Linnnaeus megacorp was a subsidiary of the Terranova Foundation, but later it became independent, and the host of worlds populated by this method became known as the LinnEnt Empire.
The paraterraformed world of Tradescant, the nominal capital of the LinnEnt Empire |
The reputation of the LinnEnt empire was severely dented by unfortunate incidents in the Bolobo system, and at Twinkle and GoodWorld. Because there was no effective control over the engenerator system at the distant end, the colonies sometimes developed in strange and disturbing ways. Once these scandals came to light in the Age of Establishment era, the engenerator system became much less popular as a method for travelling from star to star for many centuries.
For half a millenium Linnaeus Enterprises scaled down its interstellar operation, and specialised in the engeneration of virtual sophonts who had never been corporeal before- second- or third generation virtuals, digis, historical simms and fictional simms. Even a few Panvirtual Solipsist entities used LinnEnt engenerators to become incarnate, so they could meet the citizens of the real world in physical bodies.
The LinnEnt Empire became a NoCoZo free zone in 3990; during this period the engenerator system had become much more reliable, and was an integral part of the widespread network of laser communications known as the Lightways. As a pioneer of interstellar engeneration the LinnEnt Empire was somewhat less than completely successful; but the technology is widely used in the Current Era, and remains an important part of the transport system in the Terragen Sphere.
Text by Steve Bowers
Initially published on 18 November 2010.