Unassuming non-aligned low middle regions world,settled in the early post-ComEmp period, and for a while home to a flourishing local culture. About 1200 years ago the local ai, for reasons known only to itself, prohibited swearing and imposed serious consequences on beings doing so. As a result, within a decade most of the citizens emigrated, and now Thasaiya is inhabited by a little more than a monastery of Reformed Tolerikerian Church.
Reformed Tolerikerian Church - Text by M. Alan Kazlev Monastic, contemplative faith that broke away from the Orthodox Tolerikerian Church during the later post-ComEmp period, rejecting "Velvet Series" literalism (or fundamentalism) and virchgame interactivism.
Reformed Tolerikerians favor quietist contemplation, mild ludditism, and study of the later Sophic League philosopher To Lerik. They are quite a successful sect, with monasteries dotting the civilized galaxy (there is a modest one on Thasaiya), and an estimated membership of around 2,6 million.