Orthodox Tolerikerian Church

Mytho-religious system characterized by a mythopoetic quasi-romanticism (longing for an idealist neoprim pre-singularity Old Earth).
Based on the "Velvet Series" of interactives of the late Age of Consolidation Edenese superbright philosopher and fabulist To Lerik, born 3072 AT. The series deals with the themes of hereditary oligarchy, psycho-phenotypic augmentation and modification along the lines of the Seven Sacred Races (Farhu, Tirin, Nencer, Darimor, Kroll, Ileani, and Tentari), and a cyclic dualistic cosmology.
The belief system uses these motifs in its worldview. Their ruling ai are called Fhilari, Vilari and Milari depending on the characteristics of each one, their roles and their field of specialty. The Stareni are avatars of the Milari in humanoid form. All these ai could be considered subroutines of a larger archailect of the Tolerikerian named Neridu.
Produced the famous and quite addictive Adagalaxy ("First Galaxy") series of Adventure Interactives, adapted from a popularized and gamegeneered interpretation of the last four volumes of the "Velvet Series". At its height in the early Integration period, the cult boasted three billion devotees, mostly doctrinally tweaked neb and splice, and a smattering of neogen and bioborgs.
Their traditional headquarters is in the large and verdant Teirgent Orbital, Nuimimas, Terragen Federation. Total number of followers across the Civilized Galaxy is approximately 51 million, more than half of whom live in Teirgent Orbital, and a quarter elsewhere in Nuimimas.

- Dualism - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Religious or philosophical system characterized by a fundamental opposition of two contrasting principles. Variations include the unending conflict of good and evil in Old Earth Zoroastrianism, Neotolerikism, and Wumpra Gothism, the metaphysical Platonic-Cartesian dualism of body and mind or soul or matter and spirit, and the cyberian and cybergnostic dualism of virtual and ril. Contrast with monism, materialism and pluralism.
- Neotolerikerism
- Reformed Tolerikerian Church - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Monastic, contemplative faith that broke away from the Orthodox Tolerikerian Church during the later post-ComEmp period, rejecting "Velvet Series" literalism (or fundamentalism) and virchgame interactivism.
Reformed Tolerikerians favor quietist contemplation, mild ludditism, and study of the later Sophic League philosopher To Lerik. They are quite a successful sect, with monasteries dotting the civilized galaxy (there is a modest one on Thasaiya), and an estimated membership of around 2,6 million.
- Thasaiya - Text by Jorge Ditchkenberg and M. Alan Kazlev
Unassuming non-aligned low middle regions world,settled in the early post-ComEmp period, and for a while home to a flourishing local culture. About 1200 years ago the local ai, for reasons known only to itself, prohibited swearing and imposed serious consequences on beings doing so. As a result, within a decade most of the citizens emigrated, and now Thasaiya is inhabited by a little more than a monastery of Reformed Tolerikerian Church.
- To Lerik