Orion's Arm Addons in Celestia page One
Orion's Arm Addons in Celestia page Two
Orion's Arm Addons in Celestia page Three
Orion's Arm Addons in Celestia page Four
Orion's Arm Animation Clips
Orion's Arm Music
OA Fonts for PC
OA Fonts for MAC
Academic Coronese Alphabet
Conver Ambi Logos and symbols PDF
Conver Ambi Logos and symbols SVG
OA Logos (vector)
OA Logo (png)
OA Logo with website (png)
OA Pixelated Logo by Tux1 (pdf) and SVG file Vector Logos of 11/16 of the Sephirotic Empires (2 pages) (Sophic League, Technorapture Hypernation, Terran Foundation, Cyberian Network, Caretaker Gods, Solar Dominion, Keter, Negentropy Alliance, Communion of Worlds, Utopia Sphere, Zoerific Biopolity)
 Image from Taf Media Studio |
To'ul'h 3D model and base for 3d printing or modeling scenes
STL file: To'ul'h 3D model (29.2MB)
STL file: 3D model base (739KB)
Recommended Stereolithography (SLA) or possibly selective laser sintering (SLS) for small 4-4 or 5x5cm models, or slightly larger. For the more common fused deposition modeling (FDM) printers, this model should probably be printed at something closer to 10x10cm
Muuh (.obj file) by Steve Bowers
DOWNLOAD Cuddle Bear from
Seattle (.STL file) by Andrew P
DOWNLOAD Hov's'sa 3D model (.STL file) by Andrew P
DOWNLOAD Liquivore Tardugrade from
Macrystis (.STL file) by Andrew P
DOWNLOAD The Maid (ship) by Steve Bowers (.3Ds, .an8, & .cmod files + .jpg textures)
DOWNLOAD The Starlark (ship) (.3Ds files + .jpg textures)