Matter Conversion

- Alchemics - Text by Todd Drashner, Michael Beck, M. Alan Kazlev
Transmutation of elements.
- Amat (antimatter) - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Matter that is composed of the counterparts of ordinary matter.
- Amat Farm - Text by M. Alan Kazlev, modified by Steve Bowers
Vast banks of solar energy collectors which power multicolliders optimally designed to produce antiparticles. The vast showers of collision products which result are sorted magnetically; antimatter particles and other useful species are collected, cooled and held in electric/magnetic traps.
- Boostbomb - Text by Todd Drashner and Adam Getchell
Total conversion bomb.
- Conversion Drive - Text by Adam Getchell, Todd Drashner, Mark Mcamuk, and Chris Shaeffer, updated by Ithuriel
Conversion drives (or monopole catalyzed fusion drives, as they are more formally called) use magnetic monopoles to increase the efficiency of a standard fusion drive up to nearly 100% if so desired. These systems were first developed by Second Singularity transapients. They are currently the most commonly used drive for interplanetary or interstellar travel.
- Conversion Micro-Reactor - Text by Luke Campbell and Todd Drashner
Compact class of conversion reactor that uses a monopole energized helium-3 plasma to generate power.
- Conversion Technology - Text by Luke Campbell, Adam Getchell and Steve Bowers
The generation of energy from matter using reactions between magnetic monopoles and normal atoms.
- Conversion Weapons - Text by Adam Getchell and Todd Drashner
Monopole based self-replicating weapons sometimes used to detonate stars; generally employed by transapients of S3 or greater toposophic.
- Deep Well Industrial Zone - Text by Todd Drashner
Heavy duty industrial and manufacturing zones are most often found in the Inner Sphere and most heavily developed areas of the Middle Regions.
- Hawking's Knot - Text by David Jackson, with additions by Steve Bowers and Luke Campbell
A power generation system using a minute black hole and space-time metric technology.
- Q-Mirror - Text by Adam Getchell and Todd Drashner
Third singularity artifact that transforms matter into anti-matter.