Homeworld of the To'ul'hs - a hot gardenworld | |
![]() Image from The Astronomer | |
Tohul, as seen from space |
Tohul - Data Panel | |
System | Name: H'tat'sa'thoss |
Planet | Name: Tohul Orbital characteristics: - Semi-major axis: 245.6 Gm (1.642 AU) - Orbital period: 2.030 years - Eccentricity: 0.018 Physical characteristics: - Type: TholiTerrestrial LapiMinervan EstuaThermal AquaGaian - Mass: 8.74E+24 kg (1.464 x Earth) - Radius: 7,085 km (1.112 x Earth) - Density: 5,870 kg/m^3 - Mean surface acceleration: 11.61 m/s^2 (1.184 gees) - Rotation period: 19.05 hours - Obliquity: 7° - Albedo: 0.48 - Mean insolation: 686 W/m^2 (0.504 x Earth) - Mean surface temperature: 361 K Atmosphere: - Surface pressure: 1.936 MPa (19.36 bar) - Composition: 57.1% carbon dioxide, 23.3% nitrogen, 19.3% oxygen, 0.2% water, 0.1% argon, trace amounts of sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, neon, helium, hydrogen, and methane. Satellites: none |
Planetology | Geography: Sluggish-lid tectonics dominate Tohul's surface. The planet's crust is broken into plates whose languish motion is driven by the flow of the hot mantle beneath. Subduction is localized, and plate boundaries are not always distinct. Many of Tohul's features are governed by plate tectonics such as broad mountain ranges and volcanic arcs, but there are also older geographical features - volcanic highlands, uplifted plateaus, and coronae, which were formed by mantle plumes. In general, Tohul's topography is flatter than Earth's, although due to its lower sea levels, it possesses many high elevation mountains. Atmosphere and Climate: At sea level, the air pressure is 19.36 bar. Clouds are ubiquitous, as are many layers of organic particulate - together with airborne organisms, they block on average 99% of starlight from reaching the surface, rendering the surface moody, although not completely dark. The high density of air at the surface allows it to carry significant force, even at a mere breeze. Loose soil is easily carried away by these winds, resulting in frequent dust storms. Rain is also a common occurrence, carrying with it organic particulates from the upper troposphere - this motion helps to drive strong thunderstorms, though due to the height of the clouds lightning rarely strikes the surface. Seasonal changes in the upper troposphere cause fairly predictable patterns in precipitation down on the surface. Because of the high temperatures and thicker atmosphere, cyclones on Tohul are both powerful and long lasting, with some surviving for months or even years. Hydrosphere: Water covers some 45% of Tohul's surface, predominantly in a high salinity world ocean. In addition to this, there are several large endorheic basins with isolated seas and lakes of much more variable salinity. Tohul's water is also rather acidic due to dissolved carbon dioxide. Tohul's seas and oceans experience only weak tides, owing to the significant distance from the star and lack of moons. Temperature: At sea level, Tohul's temperature is 361 Kelvin (88 °C) on average. Altitude has by far the largest influence on temperature; deep in the oceanic basins, surface temperature can rise as high as 369 Kelvin (96 °C), while on the tallest mountain summits it can drop to just 293 Kelvin (20 °C). Temperature at any given location tends to remain relatively constant year-round, within around 5 Kelvin. The cause of variation is largely due to weather, but diurnal variation does become more pronounced at higher elevations. Due to the thick atmosphere, latitudinal variation has only minimal effects on temperature, and seasonal variations are mild even at higher altitudes due to the planet's low axial tilt. Above Tohul's clouds, and out of the thick insulating lower troposphere, temperatures drop to well below freezing. Biology and Ecology: Complex lifeforms on Tohul have adapted to thrive in a wide range of temperatures, allowing them to colonize both the surface and the atmosphere. Surface life is thermophilic by Earth standards, while tropospheric lifeforms are equally extreme psychrophiles. Photosynthesis takes place in the middle and upper layers of the troposphere, which is teeming with 'forests' of skyplankton, while the surface ecosystem is based on detritivores and decomposers. |
![]() Image from Dangerous Safety |
Polity | Name: Tohul Symbol: A To'ul'h in 'flight' Affiliation: Caretakerist Founded/Colonized: Discovered by Terragens 3831 AT; present rule established in 4645 AT. Timekeeping: Many local calendars. The ancient To'ul'h standard ceremonial calendar ('Ha'ts'ul), used as a common point of reference by all civilizations, has been in use since 24,550 BT. It is based solely on the To'ul'h diurnal period, and does not correspond exactly to the solar year. There is a 512 To'ul'h day 'year' divided into 8 portions of 64 days each; each day is divided into 8 'hours', subdivided into 8 units with no Terragen equivalent (about 18 minutes a piece) and further divided into 8 'minutes' of about 2 and a quarter Terragen minutes duration. Each day is measured from noon to noon. All To'ul'h time units use powers of 8, in consonance with the base 8 number system. |
Population Demographics | Surface: 170 million; all are nearbaseline To'ul'hs Orbitals: 800 million, including many transient tourists, pilgrims, researchers, and associated service personnel; predominantly nearbaseline To'ul'h or post-To'ul'h |
Government and Administration | Government Type: AIocracy; local government may be any traditional To'ul'h form Administrative Divisions: Many thousands of local nations/tribes/associations National holidays: None are universal Constitution: Compact of Eden, To'ul'h variant; many local documents Legal system: Varies; rare overrides by O'hoth'so'toh Foreign Policy: Isolationist |
Overseer | Name: O'hoth'so'toh ('Smoking Mirror') Ethos: Caretakerism; moderately isolationist Current allegiance: Allied with some other Caretakerist factions |
Economics and Local Infrastructure | Economy: many local variations Currency: none universal; many local variations Major Industries: tourism, various memetic exports, biological research Angelnetting: full angelnet with utility fog is rare outside some small portions of the major cities; O'hoth'so'toh is reputed to be aware of all activity within the biosphere, but direct interventions are rare |
Major Orbital Structures | H'tat'sa'tho'soss (space ring): offers Terragen, To'ul'h and Muuh habitats; reconstructed 4646 AT from the original, which was destroyed in the Spacer/Homeworlder wars Eithne(O'Neill colony): offers Terragen and To'ul'h habitats; historically important |
Psyche, Art, Culture | Metapsychology and Metaethics: Highly variable; most are pre-contact To'ul'h schools of thought. Religion/Ideology: Variable; mostly traditional To'ul'h forms. Language: To'ul'ho'lo'ss is a common language; there are many hundreds of local languages. Aesthetics/Architecture/Style: Highly variable; many traditional pre-contact To'ul'h and some post contact To'ul'h styles. |
Travel | Stargates: 10 metre gate to Morogai (Ho'th'lhu'ooht) Beamrider Network: the system is host to 8 local cycles Spaceports: Shuttle service only, from orbital habs to designated landing sites. Hazard Rating: 0.1 for ordinary visitors; up to 10 for attempts to violate To'ul'hese version of the Compact of Eden (see Caretaker Gods entry). Visa Restrictions: No permanent residents are allowed; local copy and reproduction rights are limited to natives of Tohul Freedom of Movement: All travel by foreigners is subject to approval by Smoking Mirror or eir agents. Local law and custom may also place significant restraints. Environmental Requirements: All travellers should be equipped to survive To'ul'h standard conditions. Sites of Interest: Eithne and other important post-contact historical sites in near orbit; many thousands of cultural, religious, and historical sites from pre and post contact periods, many in active use. |
![]() Image from Enrique Lescure | |
Political Map of Tohul; with date in the To'ul'h calendar |
![]() Image from Steve Bowers | |
Tou'ul'h Prime (Tohul) without clouds |
![]() Image from Steve Bowers | |
Shthossaa, a gas giant in the H'tat'sa'thoss system |
Timeline | |
400,000 BT | First fully modern baseline To'ul'hs become distinct from pre-To'ul'h species; most live as bands of omnivorous semi-nomadic foragers, in a manner strikingly similar to that of baseline humans. |
95,000 BT | To'ul'h civilization gradually and belatedly enters its equivalent of Old Earth's Agricultural Age (sometimes called the Ceramic/Obsidian Age after its primary material technology, and roughly equivalent to the Earth's Iron Age). With occasional excursions on the part of some individuals and polities into other technologies (batteries, dirigibles, steam engines) this complex series of culture remains more or less stable for hundreds of thousands of years and leaves its mark all over the planet. Environmental factors prevent the development of Industrial style civilisations; instead civilised life waxes and wanes on various parts of the planet according to climate and politics. |
30,000 BT | Probable origin of To'ul'hoss meta-language, as seen in written documents |
7500 BT | Fall of the most recent To'ul'h skywhale hunting cultures |
3831 AT | The To'ul'hs are discovered by the MPA exploration agent Fortunate Cloud, who had been using a research swarm to explore the system's planets in detail. They are the first living and unequivocally sophont alien clade to be discovered within the sphere of Terragen expansion. No communication is made until observations are completed. |
4011 AT | Terragen contacts with several of the To'ul'h cultures. Any interested To'ul'h are invited to join the Terragen civilisations, and many prove highly receptive to Terragen technology and ideas. To'ul'h ideas sparks a renaissance era in many Terragen cultures. |
4300 AT | To'ul'h have acquired Terragen technologies and fully integrated them into their cultures; they interact with the many compatible Terragen clades, in some cases forming new hybrid cultures. |
4318 AT | The first humans to be killed by through direct contact with living xenosophonts in a face-to-face confrontation. This occurs during a riot on Eithne, the orbital installation orbiting Tohul. A rumour had spread among the To'ul'hs that members of a recently arrived team of Miramar tweaks were planning to attempt to eat a dead To'ul'h. This is a religious practice common to several major religions on Tohul, but considered blasphemous when done by unbelievers. In the ensuing chaos two humans and three To'ul'hs are killed. |
4511 AT | Increasing differences between the 'Promethean' Spacer To'ul'hs and post To'ul'hs and the 'Sisyphean' To'ul'hs (and some post-To'ul'hs) dominant on the homeworld and in the home system leads to the first true To'ul'h- To'ul'h wars since Terragen contact: the Spacer/Homeworlder wars. After several decades of interference and sporadic warfare the Spacers establish a technocratic dictatorship on Tohul. |
4528 AT | The To'ul'h Homeworlders, with help from sympathetic Terragen organisations, stage a bloody revolution and oust the Spacers. |
4645 AT | The Spacers' final assault on Tohul is stymied when the Caretaker God known as Smoking Mirror declares the To'ul'h system its domain and places it under the Compact of Eden. |
![]() Image from Steve Bowers | |
The sentient ship 'Fortunate Cloud' decelerates into orbit around To'ul'h Prime, prior to first contact with the intelligent species there |
Caretaker Gods | Middle Regions/Hinter-regions | Mutual Progress Association |
Systems & Worlds S - T | To'ul'hs |