Avatars, Proxavs, and Seraiphim

An Avatar, also known as a Proxav or Seraiph in some cultures, is an autonomous proxy of a high toposophic entity which manifests as a lower toposophic entity, often at a similar level to the beings it is designed to interface with. An Avatar may be a non-sentient icon, a bot, a sentient simulacrum or remote, a fully sophont individual, or anything in between. This lower toposophic representation or entity allows a transapient or archailect to interact in a particular environment or situation located at some great remove from it or at an S-level one or more toposophic levels below it. Or both.
Proxavs may appear as ordinary modosophonts, except for a high bandwidth connection with their Greater Self, they may have exceptional powers and abilities, or anything in between. It is not unusual for a transapient that regularly deals with large numbers of lower-S sophonts to have hundreds of proxavs, directing, instructing, and guiding each one individually. Others prefer to give their proxavs free reign, letting them follow their own judgement and report back.
Some Seraiphim - the high level Proxavs usually associated with the archai - have seemingly miraculous powers of control over matter and/or space-time. The most well known (although also the most rarely encountered) Seraiph-like beings are the almost legendary Black Angels.
Some Subtypes
proxai, xai - ai only
proxbiont, Proxont - general biont
proxbot, Proxot - aiod / artificial
proxcyb - cyborg
proxhu, xhu - human-type biont
proxvec, proxec - vec
proxvir, proxir - virtual
An Archailect acting through an avatar body |
A small but significant number of avatars - especially proxy avatars who have personal toposophic characteristics comparable to a typical modosophont - have lost or deliberately severed their link with the transapient or archailect which previously controlled them. Avatars of this kind often become fully-independent, highly competent individuals; they generally retain some memories of their previous role as a spokesperson, and are often capable of giving excellent advice on a range of subjects.
Some ex-avatars, however, suffer considerable discomfort from losing their transcendent nature, and become maladjusted or disturbed individuals, haunted by half-formed memories of godhood (or contact with godhood). One term for the disjointed nature of such broken individuals is Godshatter.
Text by M. Alan Kazlev
additions by Michael Boncher
Initially published on 05 November 2004.
Merged Seraiph, Proxav, and avatar (archai) november 2020