Envirotech refers to the creation and maintenance of home, hab, or planetary environments that support life. Early in Terragen history these technologies referred primarily to biont life, but the field soon grew to encompass m-life or or a-life environments, and now refers equally to the interactions of mechosystems, biosystems, or similarly complex virtual ecologies.
Aeroponics - Text by AI Vin A soil-less method of plant cultivation using mist.
Angelnet - Text by M. Alan Kazlev, with additions by John B and Stephen Inniss Any dense network of technology and artificial intelligences that establishes a very high degree of control over a region, generally with beneficial intent towards the inhabitants. The archetypical angelnet is under transapient supervision and makes heavy use of smart matter (such as) utility fog, and may cover an entire large habitat or a planetary surface, atmosphere, and orbital space environment. Less pervasive or less sophisticated angelnets are also widely used.
Astragen(s) - Text by John B Nonsentient lifeforms, plant- or fungal-based, neogen, or xenobiont organisms which have evolved or been designed to survive in space at a given orbital zone and radiation level.
Atmospheric Thermal Energy Conversion Towers - Text by AI Vin These towers come in two basic types; updraft and downdraft. The first type, the downdraft tower, makes use of the thermal energy inherent in Hadley Cell Circulation Zones. The second simply makes use of the thermal siphon/chimney effect. They first became common in the Information Age on Old Earth and are still used on a variety of natural and artificial worlds for power generation, environmental control and terraforming, or both.
Biome - Text by Stephen Inniss and M. Alan Kazlev A major ecosystem that extends over a broad region, has a characteristic climate, and presents a typical common appearance due to the suite of organisms that are adapted to it. In the context of a garden world or a large megahab it is a subset of the overall ecosphere. The classical biomes known to the humans of Old Earth have been widely replicated through the Terragen Sphere, but many more exotic biomes have also been discovered or resurrected or invented.
Birnam Ecotech - Text by Anders Sandberg One of the major environment design and terraforming consultancy firms of the First Federation. It eventually merged with the Conver Ambi, adding its expertise to the ruthless ambition and economic power of the corporation/religion/empire.
Blue Goo Ecologies - Text by John B Blue Goo is a commonly accepted name for defensive nanotechnological systems. It is effectively an artificial immune system sensitized to nanotechnological aggressors.
Dome Habitats - Text by Steve Bowers An enclosed, pressurised habitat located on the surface of a planet, moon or asteroid.
Emulation Suits - Text by Tony Jones Software that interfaces, translates and/or emulates between virchworlds and so allow virtuals from one world to exist and communicate meaningfully with those from another.
Environment - Text by M. Alan Kazlev [1] The physical or virtual surroundings in which sentient beings live; The air, water, organisms, minerals, and other external objects that surround and affect an organism. [2] From the perspective of any system, rest of the world or universe. [3] Any precious biosphere, especially a garden world.
Envirosuit - Text by Stephen Inniss Advanced 'living', form-fitting synanotech suits that allow the wearer to move freely and interact as if in er home environment in surroundings that might otherwise be uncomfortable or even fatal.
Flo-stone - Text by Todd Drashner Nanotech based material used for flooring and originally designed to simulate the look and feel of marble or ceramic.
Flow, The - Text by Rhea 47 and Ryan B A unique symbiosis-based economic/spiritual system that is unique to the Biopolity; a network that links Biopolity citizens together in an ultra-holistic eco-economic harmony.
Fog Swarm Projection - Text by M. Alan Kazlev A rl projection of physical objects and entities through the behavior of trillions of foglets. Fog swarms can be seamlessly merged with virch environments to create a continuum from totally virtual to totally rl.
Forestry - Text by M. Alan Kazlev from the original by Robert J. Hall Sustainable management of forests, specially on terraformed worlds, large orbitals and biohabitats
Gourd Houses - Text by AI Vin A biotech house grown from a vine-like plant.
Gravity Balloons - Text by Steve Bowers, AlanSE Balloon-like habitats in space that use asteroid material to counter the pressure on the surface of the balloon.
Hydroponics - Text by AI Vin A soil-less method of plant cultivation using water.
Industrial Ecology - Text by Chris Shaeffer The study and implementation of efficient industrial systems coexisting with the natural environments within which they operate.
Intra-habitats - Text by Todd Drashner Smaller inhabited structures which occupy space inside larger habitats.
Nanoferon: Nanotech Inhibitors - Text by Michael Boncher A subset of blue goo nano-defenses, made up of extremely complex large molecules of very specific shape, bonding and size. They act in a fashion similar to antibodies in a biological system.
Nanorot - Text by Stephen Inniss Synano disassembly swarm, often feral with high nuisance value.
Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion - Text by AI Vin Extraction of energy from the oceans of planets with oceans of any kind, such as Gaian or Panthalassic worlds
Paraterraforming - Text by M. Alan Kazlev and Steve Bowers Roofing over a small world or moon by means of domes or a worldhouse roof to make it habitable to terragen bionts.
Patternism, Cladistic Patternism - Text by Stephen Inniss The study of the deep seated cultural and aesthetic biases and resulting societal patterns specific to certain clades, and the way these produce and are produced by the physical environment and how they can be manipulated by memetic influence.
Plantbots - Text by Stephen Inniss and Steve Bowers Dry nano or synano robots powered by light and capable of autonomous growth and reproduction; generally sessile or with limited movement. So named because they are equivalent in role to biological plants
Plasm - Text by Todd Drashner Multipurpose biological material, sometimes described as biotech utility fog.
Potted Planet - Text by Todd Drashner Slang term for a world, terrestrial or otherwise that has been modified by a Power or Archailect to support life, apparently for no other reason than the creator's continued aesthetic satisfaction. Occasionally found in systems that host mainbrain primary computing nodes and tools. Apparently, created for reasons similar to why some ordinary sapient Terragens create and maintain gardens.
Respirocyte - Text by Steve Bowers and Todd Drashner Bloodborne, approximately 1-micron-diameter spherical nanomedical device that acts as an artificial mechanical red blood cell.
Salt Vines - Text by Mike Miller Biological desalination system using geneered plants
Sunclouds - Text by AI Vin Diffuse lighting systems for rotating habitats.
Sunline - Text by Todd Drashner and Steve Bowers A ring of fusion-powered illuminators inside a jovian world or orbiting a brown dwarf or dim red star, designed to focus light on various nearby planets, moons, asteroids or orbiting habitats.
Terraformer Swarms - Text by Somes Jung Hallinan Large swarms of self-replicating devices that travel in front of colonization fleets. They are usually carried within small seeding missiles that travel close to the speed of light, well ahead of the main colony ships. The seedtech or sporetech devices are usually embedded within a solid block of metal, concrete, diamondoid, or some other encapsulating material.
Terraforming - Text by Anders Sandberg Planetary Engineering with the aim of creating a habitable environment
Terraforming Remnants - Text by Anders Sandberg Natural and artificial ecospheres left by any of several long-vanished terraformer species known only for the biospheres they left behind long ago. Currently terragenkind is busy terraforming suitable planets in the galaxy, and even if they disappear there are going to be lots of human- and ai- derived biospheres left behind. In a few hundreds of millions of years intelligent life might evolve independently there. This life would find a few other habitable worlds with suspiciously similar biochemistries.
Utility Fog - Text by M. Alan Kazlev, after the concept by J. Storrs Hall, in Anders Sandberg's Transhuman Terminology A collective of mesobots ("foglets") that link together into a complex network, able to work together to exert force in any direction or transmit information between each other. Utility fog can be used to simulate any environment, essentially providing rl with the environment-transforming capabilities of virtual reality.
Utility Sand - Text by AI Vin A dense, load bearing form of utility fog.
Virchology - Text by Thorbørn Steen A fully designed (rather than evolved) digital ecosystem residing in a virch.
Von Neumann Sculpting - Text by Anders Sandberg Artform whereby replicating machines are seeded onto a planetary surface to reshape it according to some plan, or possibly the machines themselves make up the art. This can range from laying down patterns of trails to sculpting entire mountain ranges into portraits. Somewhat controversial due to the environmental impact, but popular in the MPA.
Wallflowers - Text by Thorbørn Steen Genetically modified flowering plants for architectural display.
Weather Machines - Text by Steve Bowers and Todd Drashner, with additional material by J. Storrs Hall Atmospheric devices designed to affect the energy flow of the atmosphere
Worldrings - Text by AI Vin World Rings, as the name implies, are ring-type habitats which duplicate (as much as possible) all the conditions found on a Gaian type world, including total surface area under full centrifugal gravity. As such, World Rings occupy the middle ground between Bishop Rings and Banks Orbitals, and typically use technology from both.
Yasamura Artificial Environments Corporation - Text by Aaron Hamilton The most successful of the Sagawa-descended hyperturing subsidiaries of the Federation period, Yasamura Artificial Environments Corporation was one of the first corporations that developed standard terraforming equipment and procedures; including nanites and large bioreactors.