Quasar Dynamic Fleet

Transapientech fleet dedicated to opposing the Daharran Advance

Quasar Dynamic Fleet
Image from Steve Bowers
The largest ships in the Quasar Dynamic Fleet are the 4 SubBobbs, 20km conversion drive dreadnoughts each carrying a S:2 entity. These craft are each accompanied by around a hundred smaller warships. They scour the Chronos Cluster and combat the occupation by the Daharran synthesis.
The Quasar Dynamic Fleet is a transapient-controlled battle group whose only aim seems to be the complete and utter destruction of the Daharran Unity synthesis, an aggressive neogen empire in the Chronos Cluster and surrounding sector. The QDF was constructed by the 2000 km S:3 moonbrain Bobb, based in the Abaddon system. The fleet consists of four distinct sub-fleets, which are currently working separately but cooperatively throughout the Chronos Cluster. Each fleet originally consisted of about eighty relativistic battleships, consisting of one giant dreadnought controlled by a S:2 mind (known as a SubBobb) accompanied by a mix of autowars, battle mini-ISOs, and mobile armament production platforms. Each fleet also has a considerable, but unspecified number of S:1 minds skilled in information warfare.

The Quasar Dynamic Fleet is crewed entirely by vecs, virtuals and aioids. The exact number of ships and crewmembers is unknown and is a closely guarded secret, along with the exact details of their weapon systems, which they simply say are "adequate for the task at hand".

Although officially launched in 9400, it was to be some 30 years before the QDF arrived at their initial target, the Daharran home system. They were the first to confirm previous observations that all the significant infrastructure surrounding the star had been converted into an asteroid-mass black hole, and thrown into the star. This may have been the first stage in the creation of a black hole brain; but no information could come out of the event horizon, since no wormholes passing into the horizon could be found. No trace of the original population of Daharrans and Sephirotic colonists remained, and there was no opposition to the Fleet's scouts.

The Quasar Dynamic Fleet began a systematic search of the Chronos Cluster, looking for worlds subverted by the Daharran Unity; their first encounter came in 9449, in the Joy system. Using kinetic RKKS and transapientech weapons, the QDF subdued the Unity and reversed the memetic and systemic subversion. Several more systems followed, resulting in successful deprogramming as Breeze and Ikaros. In many of these systems, the local populations of Daharrans and other Terragens had begun the process of converting their infrastructure into a large black hole, and in some cases this black hole had already been thrown into the local star.

The Daharran Unity fought back fiercely at Sha-Kat-Jan, where the Daharran S:3 moonbrain was located; after a long conflict, the 2000 km moonbrain vaporised, leaving behind a black hole of similar mass. There is a persistent rumor or myth that the Unity S:3 transmitted itself into the BH, although the amount of data that could have been transmitted in this short period was very limited; perhaps it only a very reduced version of itself, in the hopes it could reconstitute itself within the horizon. Most observers consider that the Unity transapient simply destroyed itself in the process.

Since then the Fleet has been successful in beating back the Daharran Unity along with help from the remaining worlds and habitats of the Chronos Cluster; the Daharran Unity continues to resist, despite the martyrdom of their leader. The latest reports say that the fleets have expanded to an average of more than 100 vessels each. It is also rumored that Bobb has come close to an ascension to SI:4 on a number of occasions but has refrained from doing so in order to finish their mission to remove the threat of the Unity completely. According to local transapient-watchers, Bobb considers the conflict between the QDF and the Daharran Unity to be a dispute between S:3 transapients, and it should be an S:3 transapient that brings an end to the problem.

One hypothesis is that the Daharrans were deliberately created by the original ahuman entities as a trap to attract Sephirotic colonists and entice them into joining a black hole civilisation, with no connection to the outside world; this hypothesis seems far-fetched, but is becoming increasingly popular in the remnants of the Chronos Cluster.
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Development Notes
Text by Basu
Additional material by Steve Bowers 2025 with suggestions from Todd Drashner and Worldtree
Initially published on 01 June 2005.
