updates 2001-2008
Updates to the website July 20 2008-Present
updates previous to this added in 2025 from the internet archive records

24 April 2008/ 38 A.T.
Calendars and Timekeeping: The Tranquility Calendar
Law: Sentient Rights Protocols
Sophontology: Sentience, Sapience, Sophonce
Udpated Pages The Challenge The Beamrider Network Guanche

16 April 38 a.t./2008
Power and Energy Generation: Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion
Worlds: Cenote
Historical Events The Recovery of Voyager 1
Updated Pages: Nanotrees Worldbuilding Links Barnard's Star
External Link Orion's Arm Flickr Set

18 March 38 a.t./2008
External Link
Voices: Future Tense; Issue Eight!
New Gallery : Landscapes from Orion's Arm
Clades: Clade Nisse
Philosophies: Transitionism
Daily Life: The Man and The Amazon
Historical Events: The Went
Xenosophontology: First Contact

6 March 38 a.t./2008
Drytech: Utility Sand
World: Evermore
Institutes: The Sleeper Monks
Miscellaneous Topics: The Artefacts of Mystery

26 February 38 a.t./2008
World: New Earth
Religion: Subtheism
Celestia Add-ons: Orions Arm Celestia Universe Addons Page 1 Orions Arm Celestia Universe Addons Page 2
Updated Pages: Bolobo Merrion

16 February 38 a.t./2008 c.e
Archailect Personality: The Twelve
Infrastructure: Valhalla Clusters
History: The Early History of Uploading
Updated Page: Banks Orbitals

23 January 38 a.t./2008 c.e
Frequently Asked Questions: Wormhole and Exotic Matter FAQs
Manufacturing: Industrial Ecology
Biotech: Parasite Processing
Religion: Jobitarianism
Updated Pages: Laughter Hegemony Mars Deucalion

16 January 38 a.t./2008 c.e. Announcement
2008 Orion's Arm Novella Contest! Write a Novella set in the Orion's Arm Universe and see it published!

[New Pages]
Sophontology: Brain Taxonomy
Religion: The Fractal Brotherhood
Transapientech: Chaos Wand
New Movie Clip Rendell Bishop Ring
New Images: Fira and Irene (Oia) Euclid Node (Ain Soph Aur) Earth and Moon

29 December 38 a.t./2007 c.e. [New Pages]
New Main Page Orion's Arm Universe Project Board Member's page
Galactography: Clickable Map of the Outer Volumes
Biotech: Buildbug
Civilisation Infrastructure: Reef

12 December 38 a.t./ 2007 c.e [New Pages]
Introduction Pages Updated: Introduction and Welcome Page FAQs Orion's Arm Canon Why are Certain Things Excluded? Why is there no Faster-Than-Light travel in OA?
Answering Criticisms Contributing FAQs Technical FAQs OA - The Early Years Netiquette
New: Terms, Copyright and Submissions Guide

3 December 38 a.t./ 2007 c.e [New Pages]
Beam Technology: Particle Beam Weapons
Clades: Clade Lauro
Economics: Commerce
Contests and Competitions: The Challenge
Worlds: Oia (Here)
New Gallery: Worlds Gallery II

1 December 38 a.t./ 2007 c.e
External Links
Voices: Future Tense; new issue!
New Orion's Arm Merchandise Range!

17 November 38 a.t./ 2007 c.e [New Pages]
New Serial episodes: Initiation - Eight Initiation - Epilogue
Beam Technology: Laser Weapons Handheld Lasers
Hi-Technology: Optical Phased Arrays
Xenosophonts: The Hyraians
Updated pages: Danzig The First Federation of Hu and AI
New Images: Neuro-fractal patterning

27 October 38 a.t./ 2007 c.e [New Pages]
New Serial episode: Initiation - Seven
History: The Synthetic Human Alliance
Infrastructure/Biotech: Yggdrasil Bush
Updated pages: Synthetic Humans The Lagrange Magshield
Why Time Travel would destroy the Universe
New Images: The Limits of Transapient Power Ramscoops and RAIR ships

8 October 38 a.t./ 2007 c.e [New Pages]
Hiders: Frost Hive
Infotech: Tipler Oracle
Updated pages: Rise of the Archailects
New Images: Arkab Prior A+B The Haloists Theoretical Physics

3 October 38 a.t./ 2007 c.e [New Pages]
New Serial episode: Initiation - Six
Psychology: Complex Psychological Disorders
Robots/Vecs: Polypedal Pots
Infotech: Geoflex Computing
Worlds: Titan
Updated pages: Technological Timeline The Eridanus League

19 September 38 a.t./ 2007 c.e [New Pages]
New Serial episode: Initiation - Five
Hiders: Drifts The Greensong Accord
Transapient Personalities: Supermundane
Updated page and new image: The Red Star M'Pire

14 September 38 a.t./ 2007 c.e [New Pages]
New Serial episode: Initiation - Four
Galactography: Clickable Map of the Middle Regions
Updated pages: The Sky on Alien Worlds Under the Looking Glass
Timeline - The Age of Archailect Emergence

29 August 38 a.t./ 2007 c.e [New Pages]
New Serial episode: Initiation - Three
Infrastructure: W-Brain Fullairs
Literature: What the Thunder Said

16 August 38 a.t./ 2007 c.e [New Pages]
New Serial episode: Initiation - Two
Infrastructure: Matrioshka Hypernode
Amended Pages and new images: Mercury Vesta Transcension Maze Crystal Star Tar Vara

28 July 38 a.t./ 2007 c.e [New Pages]
New Serial starts today! First episode: Initiation - One
Historical Events: Cytherea's Diadem Significant Cultural Impacts in the Terragen Sphere
Cultural Refugia from the Nanoswarms
Energy Technology: Hotpoint
Amended Pages: Renaissance Events Umma of the Shell Venus

20 July 38 a.t./ 2007 c.e
Happy Tranquillity Day!

19 July 37 a.t./ 2007 c.e.[New Pages]
New Serial episode: Heresy 6 and final
Virtual Worlds: The Covenant Data Scale Virchologies Datacologies
Pets: Twitterbirds
Culture/Religion: Mechanists
Biotech: Wallflower

I2 July 37 a.t./ 2007 c.e.[New Pages]
New Serial episode: Heresy 5
Infrastructure: Sunclouds
Institutes: The Deep University
Xenobiology : Honeywhips

25 June 37 a.t./ 2007 c.e.[New Pages]
New Serial episode: Heresy 4
Clades: Cryovecs
Religions: The Pure Soul Reformation
Fine Arts: Firesculpting
Worlds: Corona: High Cyclers
Updated Pages: Hyperutilisation Supremacy Colony Ships

12 June 37 a.t./ 2007 c.e.[New Pages]
New Serial episode: Heresy 3
Megascale Engineering : Space Fountains and Orbital Rings
Energy Storage: Capacitors
Archailect Personalities: Verifex
New Image: Sun Wu Kung

25 May 37 a.t./ 2007 c.e.[New Pages]
New Serial episode: Heresy 2
Movies: Short Movie clips from the Orion Arm
Galactography: The Mobile Frontier

16 May 37 a.t./ 2007 c.e.[New Pages]
New Serial: episode One: Heresy
Feature: The World of Corona: Feynman Bay The Heritage Range Heisenberg NeoAtlantia Alto Stisboi The Flaming Baryons
Historical: The First Consolidation War

14 May 37 a.t./ 2007 c.e.[New Pages]
Transport: Atlantean Airships
Updated Page: Vacuum Dirigibles and other Lighter-than-air Craft
Classic Ships: Hermes The Futurologcal Congress
Institutes: The Tyrkenian Institute

3 May 37 a.t./ 2007 c.e.[New Pages]
New Page: Worldbuilding Links
Updated Pages: Some Links of Interest Annotated List of Colonised and Inhabited Worlds

26 April 37 a.t./ 2007 c.e.[New Pages]
Regions: The Empathic Frontier
Virtual Worlds: Raftworlds and TGTworlds
Genetically Engineered Pets: Dungg
Updated Pages: The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence The Silent Ones

20 April 37 a.t./ 2007 c.e.[New Pages]
Miscellaneous Topics: The Gurth Hexanode Repository
Religion: The Sphere of 12 Billion Faces
New Map: The Outer Volumes (LARGE FILE)
Subcultures: Fastlifers
Science: Abiogenesis, Lithopanspermia and Translocation
Updated Pages: Maps Brin (world) Vriin (world)

4 April 37 a.t./ 2007 c.e.[New Pages]
New Serial Episode: Keeper of the Faith 8 and final
Regions: The Light Speed Frontier
Archailect Personalities: Lernaea
Biotech: Gourd Houses
Infotech: The Ultimate Chip
Toposophics: Transcension Maze
New Galleries: Spacecraft II
Fiction: Stories arranged by Author
Updated Pages: Crescent Class Cruiser Transapients Gallery Personalities Gallery Aksijaha (new image)

15 March 37 a.t./ 2007 c.e.[New Pages]
New Serial Episode: Keeper of the Faith 7
Historical Events: The Hellfire Expansion The Genetodes Incident
Evolutionary Engineering: The Dixolutionists and the Ton-E-mite clade
Food: Artificial Meat Production
New Galleries: Worlds Spacecraft

6 March 37 a.t./ 2007 c.e.[New Pages]
New Serial Episode: Keeper of the Faith 6
Transportation: Slidewalks and RiverRoads
Megascale Engineering;: Banks Orbitals
Weapons: Metric Bomb
Clades: Amphisapiens
Updated Page: Silk God

24th February 37 a.t./ 2007 c.e.[New Pages]
New Serial Episode: Keeper of the Faith 5
Transportation: Groundborne Independent Quadrobile
Civilisation: Calendars and Timekeeping in OA
Angelnet Technology: Guardweb
Vocations: Mediators
New Images: Space Elevator Corona

11th February 37 a.t./ 2007 c.e.[New Pages]
New Serial Episode: Keeper of the Faith 4
Worlds: Alpha Centauri A+B
Clades: Imtonasi
Miscellaneous Topics: Academic Coronese Alphabet

30th January 37 a.t./ 2007 c.e.[External Link:]
Voices: Future Tense; new issue!

26th January 37 a.t./ 2007 c.e.[New Pages]
New Serial Episode: Keeper of the Faith 3
Transport Technology: Aircars MultiModal Personal Rapid Transport
Clades: Yssa'arah
EG entries: Model of Memetic Interactions Memory Grubs
New Image: Cthonids

19th January 37 a.t./ 2007 c.e.[New Pages]
New Serial Episode: Keeper of the Faith 2
Medical Technology: Reproductive Technologies
Xenosophont Artifacts: The Hedrile
Technology: Nanoflex
Drive Technology: Reactionless Drives
EG entry: Sophtware

13th January 37 a.t./ 2007 c.e.[New Pages]
New Serial Episode: Keeper of the Faith
Augments: The Sunwing Augment
Miscellaneous Topics: The SMPX
Short Story: In the Hall of the Flesh Sculptors
New Images: Thyresta J'Ta'ush Merpeople

31st December 37 a.t./ 2006 c.e.[New Pages]
Infrastructure: The Lifts Meditation Glade
Classic Ships: En'en Suifu and Tattoi Jueru
Education: Tachydidaxy and Omni-uploading
EG Entries: V-Life Emplex Mediation
AIdvert: Fingertaze

23rd December 37 a.t./ 2006 c.e.[New Pages]
Psychoactive tech: Bliss Glyph
Infrastructure: The OM
Religion: Biopsychism

14th December 37 a.t./ 2006 c.e.[New Pages]
Infrastructure/ Biotech: Road Root
Worlds : Alpha Star
Clades; Highbrows
Advertising: Ad-Drugs
Updated Pages : Siris Pearl Modules Galactic Plane Maps

9th December 37 a.t./ 2006 c.e.[New Pages]
Galactography: Locations in the Inner Sphere and Middle Regions
Wormholes: Wormhole Locations
Clades: The Krutarian Clade
Updated Page : Naurinumes
New Image The Weeping Wall of Satori Crater

1st December 37 a.t./ 2006 c.e.[New Pages]
Galactography: Inner Sphere Master Star List The Closest Stars to Sol
Infotech: Bertrand Media Categories
Worlds: The Orange Polity
Clades: Hian Dao

18 November 37 a.t./ 2006 c.e.[New Pages]
Galactography: The Galactic Plane as seen from Earth
Worlds: Mu Capricornis
Synano Tech: Plantbots Mechmoss Nanorot
Updated Page: Fine Arts
Daily Life: Krek!
External Link; Orion's Arm Image: Heavy

10 November 37 a.t./ 2006 c.e.[New Pages]
Timeline Updated throughout, particularly the Current Era
Updated Pages Twilight Habitats
New Image: Speedbike The Crystal Blossom

2 November 37 a.t./ 2006 c.e.[New Pages]
Transport: Vactrains
Worlds: Lancer's World Blue
Ship Types: Podship
New Images: Nanoflywheels Bourgatov

25 October 37 a.t./ 2006 c.e.
External Link; New issue: Voices: Future Tense Issue III

24 October 37 a.t./ 2006 c.e.[New Pages]
Energy Storage Technology: Nanoflywheels
Transport: Omnicraft
Infrastructure: Space Habitats
Personality: Aura Ghami
Miscellaneous Topics: The Crystal Blossom
Sophontology: Toposophic Level and Brain Size S0-S2

10 October 37 a.t./ 2006 c.e.[New Pages]
Technology: Spacecraft Drive Technology (completely revised section)
Culture and Society: Virtual Drugs
Personality: Yanis-i-Numo
Infrastructure: McKendree Cylinders
Arts: Patternism
Miscellaneous Topics: The Redux Strategy
New Serial Episode The Long Forgotten War: Appendices

13 September 37 a.t./ 2006 c.e.[New Pages]
Daily Life: Tourist Destinations in the Orion's Arm Civilisation
Tech: Bailout Devices
New Serial Episode The Long Forgotten War: Beachhead

5 August 37 a.t./ 2006 c.e.[New Pages]
Intro page for The Orion's Arm Metaverse project added

4 August 37 a.t./ 2006 c.e.[New Pages]
Clades: Relayers
Sophontology: The Great Toposophic Filter
Religion: One Soul Movement
New Image: The Aardwolf Storms
New Serial Episode The Long Forgotten War; The Battle for Node 3312

23 July 37 a.t./ 2006 c.e.[New Pages]
Polities: The Ebony Xerocracy
Worlds: To'ul'h Prime
Miscellaneous Topics The To'ul'h Calendar
New Serial Episode The Long Forgotten War; Prologue
External Link: New issue: Voices: Future Tense

Happy Tranquillity Day: July 20 2006/37AT (After Tranquillity)!

5 July 36 a.t./ 2006 c.e.[New Pages]
Polities: The Seams
Worlds: Traction
Architecture: Maximalism
New Serial Episode The Long Forgotten War; Foreword
External Link; New OA Updates at the Celestia Motherlode

27 June 36 a.t./ 2006 c.e.[New Pages]
Updated Pages: The To'ul'hs, Enigma Four
Historical: The Oracle War
Science: Energy Emissions and Civilisation
Biotech: Plasm
Weapons: Hellbore, Plasma Weapons
Polities: First Exocore Bordered Corpus

13 June 36 a.t./ 2006 c.e.[New Pages]
Clades: Yas Om , The Sagittarius Preservers
Historical: Renaissance Events
Xenosophonts: The Wayfarers
Biotech: Watermelons
New Serial Episode: Changelings 9 and final

23 May 36 a.t./ 2006 c.e.[New Pages]
Tech: Leg Wheels , Antisound
Historical Events: The Algaehol Disaster
Xenosophonts: Menexenes
Science: Non-luminary World Classification List
New Serial Episode: Changelings 8

10 May 36 a.t./ 2006 c.e.[New Pages]
Tech: Geckotech
Miscellaneous Topics: Manaran the Pure King
Clades: Labela
Science: Xenobiochemistry
Updated Pages: Eoestremonath, Penglai

5 May36 a.t./ 2006 c.e.[New Pages]
Tech: : Perfect Optics, Limitations of Nanoweapons
Historical: The Eye of the Solar Needle
Infrastructure: Aksijaha
Daily Life: Genemod Dating and Matching Services
New Serial Episodes: Changelings 7

26 April 36 a.t./ 2006 c.e.[New Pages]
Tech: Conversion Drive, Conversion Weapons , Monopolium
Biotech: Bioforge, Aeroponics, Hydroponics
Xenosophonts (Aliens) : The Jacks
New Serial Episodes: Descent 8 and final; Infanticide (a sequel to Dragon's Teeth)

17 April 36 a.t./ 2006 c.e.[New Pages]
Science: To'ul'h worlds
Daily Life: Elemental Taboo Worldbuilding Game

4 April 36 a.t./ 2006 c.e.[New Pages]
Technology: Blue Goo Ecologies

31 March 36 a.t./ 2006 c.e.[New Pages]
Technology: Boostbomb, Genestick
Miscellaneous Topics: Bodyjacking
Clades: Clade Darwin, Seedfolk
Historical Events: Deorvyn
Updated pages: Nova Terra, Pacifica, Ao Lai
New Serial Episode: Changelings 6

22 March 36 a.t./ 2006 c.e.[New Pages]
Technology: Spore Technology - General Applications
External Link: The Orion's Arm Universe in Celestia
New Image: The Mind's Eye
New Serial Episode: Descent 7

14 March 36 a.t./ 2006 c.e.[New Pages]
Miscellaneous Topics: Quiet Zones, Fiat Caecus Lux
Spacetime Engineering: A Layman's guide to Wormholes Wormhole Engineering in Orion's Arm (PDF) Wormhole Sizes (Excel file)
Worlds Kiyoshi
New Serial Episode: Changelings 5

6 March 36 a.t./ 2006 c.e.[New Pages]
Miscellaneous Topics: Neuropsychism
Updated Pages : Arcadia, Atlantis, Daedalus
New Images: Sol Asteroid Belt Hugens
New Serial Episodes: Descent 6 Dragon's Teeth 6

4 March 36 a.t./ 2006 c.e.[New Pages]
Miscellaneous Topics: Leavers, Eugenics, Supporting Minds of the Red Star M'Pire
Updated Pages : The Red Star M'Pire, Luna
Worlds; Felicidade; the Impossible Dyson
New Images: Sarge, The Argus Array

23 February 36 a.t./ 2006 c.e.[New Pages]
Clades: Ghasts
Historical events: Glarion The Glorious Conqueror
New Images: TriVec, Polarisers, Dominator Class Ship
New Serial Episodes: Betrayals 29 (final), Changelings 4 Dragon's Teeth 5

7 February 36 a.t./ 2006 c.e.[New Pages]
Infotech: Knowsense
Megascale Engineering: Ribbonworlds
Clades: Tilonians , Fullminders. Optimals
New Images: Azure Luminosos, Particle Cannon, Muts
Updated page: Venus
New Serial Episodes: Descent 5 Dragon's Teeth 5

1 February 36 a.t. / 2006 c.e.[New Artwork]
Three new images of Halo Drive ships added to Gallery 24 January 36 a.t./ 2006 c.e.[New Pages]
Updated pages: Mars Cythera
Historical Events: The Martian War of Independence
New Serial Episodes: Betrayals 28 Changelings 3

18 January 36 a.t./ 2006 c.e.[New Pages]
Infotech: Biont Encoding Protocol
Megascale Engineering Niven Clouds aka Smoke Rings
Clades : Environmental Vecs Adumbrans
New Image: Ouaddai Ring
New Serial Episodes: Descent 4 Dragon's Teeth 4

30 December 36 a.t. / 2005 c.e.[New Pages]
Biotech: Motherwood Tree Turbine Plant Noovleann Trees
Miscellaneous Topics: Trancendence Blights and Perversities
Transportation : Vehvecs
Updated Page: Celestia
New Images: Dragon's Teeth Vechidai
New Serial Episodes: Descent 3 Dragon's Teeth 3
Changelings 2 Betrayals 27

5 December 36 a.t. / 2005 c.e.[New Pages]
Biotech: Security Bush Superior Genemods
Ship Type : Singleships
Miscellaneous Topics: Scion
New Serial Episodes: Descent 2 Dragon's Teeth 2
Changelings 1 (new!) Betrayals 26

24 November 36 a.t. / 2005 c.e.[New Pages]

New Section: Orion's Arm Web Serials Collection!

17 November 36 a.t. / 2005 c.e.[New Pages]
Revised Page: Corona
New Image: Gus & Max

11 November 36 a.t. / 2005 c.e.[New Pages]
Clades: Brain Kelp, Shepbra
Tech: Personal Transportation
New Image: Biogeocomputing, Moving Day

4 November 36 a.t. / 2005 c.e.[New Pages]
Miscellaneous Topics: Deliplants
Updated Pages: Dyson Spheres

3 November 36 a.t. / 2005 c.e.[New Pages]
Polities: Arion Ascendency

28 October 36 a.t. / 2005 c.e.[New Pages]
Miscellaneous Topic: Lynk
Clades: Willosophs
Tech: Thicksuit Vacuum Equipment
Image added" Sailors of the Ebon Sea

19 October 36 a.t. / 2005 c.e.[New Pages]
Miscellaneous Topic: Affines
Toposophics: Toposophic Levels and Mental Abilities
Image added: Clade Kanuma The Audubon Engenerator

11 October 36 a.t. / 2005 c.e.[New Pages]
Miscellaneous Topics: The Scavenger, The Ilahlu Barrier
Clades: Denathi Adepts
Tech: Nanofabs
Image added: Grazer
Upgraded Pages: Muuh Academic Coronese

4th October 36 a.t. / 2005 c.e.[New Pages]
Miscellaneous Topics: Eidolon
Tech: Multimodal Antimatter Strike System Monopoles
Daily Life: Discwuzitian Diaries
Images added: Maps Daffy

27 September 36 a.t. / 2005 c.e.[New Pages]
Miscellaneous Topics: Mythical Xenosophonts Halomin
Religion: Church of Crisis
Xenobiology: Cookie Fiend
Daily Life: Daily Life on New Daffy

19 September 36 a.t. / 2005 c.e.[New Pages]

Ship Types: Combat Carriers
Clades and Species: Clade Eja, Clade Ngagi, Clade Mawas
New images: Crescent Class Cruiser, Echir-{n}
Review: Eden by Stanislaw Lem

13 September 36 a.t. / 2005 c.e.[New Pages]

Classic Ships: Yi Sun Sin, Red, The Starlark, The Stig Ranes
Ship Types: Colony Ships, Cargo Ships, Herders

12 September 36 a.t. / 2005 c.e.[New Pages]

Artwork: New image added to Gallery

10 September 36 a.t. / 2005 c.e.[New Pages]

New pages added: Alternate Orion Arms, Ape, Monkey, Backup, Burning Library Project, Cableville, Eders, Clade Kanuma, Grazer, Nanofeedstock, Obliviol, Relative Cosmic Abundance of Elements, Surrealtors

3 August 36 a.t. / 2005 c.e.[New Pages]

New pages added: Rangar, Induced Anosognosic Neglect Syndrome, Puffer Patch, House Hyperborg, and Jainist Cellular Augments.

26 July 36 a.t. / 2005 c.e.[New Page]

New pages added: Spore Technology, revised and expanded Manufacturing

25 July 36 a.t. / 2005 c.e.[New Page and graphics]

New pages added: AW (Autowar Seed), Cluetabs, Electrogenic Fish, Hazard Rating, Marriage, Mormyrids, Polyglot, School of Will, Toposophics Diversification Conjectures, and Vacc Suckers.
New images added for the following worlds: New Root, Halcyon, Bolobo, Solsys, Zeta I Reticuli, Daedalus (Zeta I Reticuli), Prometheus (Zeta I Reticuli), Sesharia, Oikomene, Ao Lai, Sadalmelik; added Bishop Ring Landscape to the gallery.

8 July 35 a.t. / 2005 c.e.[New Page and graphics]

Added Environmental Cybernetics, also new Siberoo graphic.

22 June 35 a.t. / 2005 c.e.[New and Revised Pages]

Added Newhope (world), revised timeline pages.

1 June 35 a.t. / 2005 c.e.[New Pages and New Image]

Added following pages: Ao Lai (world), The Elcondris Incident (historical), and Frankenstein Syndrome, Industrial Upgradation Incorporated (megacorp), The Institute for Primate Provolution (Provolve Institute/Polity), Lazurogenics, Materials Technology, Occupations, Avocations, and Work (society), Quasar Dynamic Fleet, Sun Wu-K'ung (personality), Tabridgen(world), and Virtual Labyrinths
New Gallery Image - Incoming Ships

13 March 35 a.t. / 2005 c.e.[New Pages]

Added following pages: Beneficence (religion), Canopy Plant and Space Canopy and Greenbubbles (infrastructure), Mooclick the Hu and the Ghost Machine (humorous short story), Tholin Baths (Muuh - xenosophonts), and Ylem (ultratech), and added the The Berram10 "G" Scale of Intelligence to the Toposophic Scales page

28 February 35 a.t. / 2005 c.e.[New Pages]

Added following pages: Nearbaseline Genemods, Cybyota, anfd The Jeepers of Mik's Planet

22 February 35 a.t. / 2005 c.e.[New Pages and images]

Added following pages: Putorians, Neputons and Nanputons (clades) and Silk God
Added Lignosagittiae and Mucoid Empire images.

6 February 35 a.t. / 2005 c.e.[New Pages and images]

Added following pages: What is Orion's Arm?, Chorus (world), Insidium (tech), Memetic Engineering in Science Fiction (review)
Added Beamrider and Starhand images

3 - 5 February 35 a.t. / 2005 c.e.[Revision and New Document]

Revised some of FAQs pages; added Traversable Lorentzian Wormholes: An Overview (acrobat acrobat format - requires Adobe Acrobat reader) to the White Papers section; new OA RPG logo

26 January 35 a.t. / 2005 c.e.[New Document]

Added Orion's Arm Primer (acrobat acrobat format - requires Adobe Acrobat reader)

19 January 35 a.t. / 2005 c.e.[New Pages]

Added Ozymandias Institute, Wildsap Reserves, and Ghostlight and Shatterbomb (godtech weapons).
New Images: Dyson Swarm image (using Celestia), space ship

12 January 35 a.t. / 2005 c.e.[New Page]

Added J'Ta'ush

5 January 35 a.t. / 2005 c.e.[New Page]

Added Metasoft Baseline Reserves

16 December 35 a.t. / 2004 c.e.[New Pages]

Added Liquid Clothing and Spraywear (everyday tech), and Meming the Muuh and Objectiotropism (humerous short strries)

11 December 35 a.t. / 2004 c.e.[New Pages, and images]

Added Astomi, Kriavuks and Neo-Dogs to clades, Tribeminds to sophont categories, and Marrowbone Armor and Safetysteel to tech.
Added Redunin Celestia images

5 December 35 a.t. / 2004 c.e.[New Pages]

Added Asteroidal Class (planetology), Nanoferon and Pandifico (nanotech), and Falsuphobia (psychology)

5 December 35 a.t.[New and Revised Pages]

Changed the color of the text in this news section :-)

Added Black_Angel and Lawkeeper
New material added to Food page (Daily Life section)
Revised the Wormhole pages, moved the revised Wormhole FAQs to the Intro Section, and added the related Wormholes and Exotic Matter page
Streamlined and somewhat simplified the Grading Science Fiction for Realism page
Streamlined the faqs page somewhat, by moving all those Why no FTL faqs and answers to their own page - The (Why No) FTL FAQs Page. Also added why Why No Time Travel, and added additional questions and replies to the Answering Criticism page.
The faqs pages are now comprehensive enough to answer just about any objections to the OA setting from debunkers.
But if you have a question or questions or there is something about the OA setting you feel isn't right or doesnt make sense, and these concerns are not answered on the faqs pages, please contact us.

1 December 35 a.t.[New and Revised Pages, and New Images]

Added the following pages - Applied Arts and Sciences (new main topics page), Hinteregions (Galactography), Main Centers (Sephirotic Civilization), Old Core Worlds (ditto), Places (ditto), Provincial Capitals (ditto)
Modified the following pages: SF Hard and Soft Grading (clarified "Hard Science" as understood in the OA setting), Knowledgebase (added Applied Arts and Sciences, transferred Linguistics to Social Sciences), Regions (links with thumbs), Terragen Sphere (links with thumbs), Sephirotic Civilization (some entries (links with thumbs) transferred to Applied Arts and Sciences), Social Sciences (some entries transferred to Applied Arts and Sciences), Verses Page (scrapped half of it, it is not applicable to OA and just incites hostility)
Modified Style Sheet - "Design notes" now mauve rather than yellow

27 November 35 a.t.[New and Revised Pages, and New Images]

Added the following pages - Astraea Asteroid and Clade Parthene, Jarre System (solar system), Kludging, Plebvecs, The Solar System in the late 23rd Century, Vecs in 300 AT, and X2 - The Threat - Review (Space Trader game, to the reviews section)

26 November 35 a.t.[New and Revised Pages, and New Images]

Added the following pages: Celestia, Worldbuilding and other Software, and Mote in God's Eye
Added new images to the following pages: Anomie and Silence, Bolobo, Ceres, Nova Terra, and Penglai

20 November 35 a.t.[New and Revised Pages, and New Images]

Added the following pages: Enigma Four, Games (just a place-holder atm), Machina Babbagenseii, Technological Taboo, Wishing Box
Added new images to the following pages: Eurekan Cybercracy, Middle Tech Societies, High Tech Societies, Orbit - Ultratech Societies, Ultratech Societies Transapientech Societies, Bill and Bull, Oikoumene, Ribblehead, and Early Space Elevators
Revised "Versus" page

16 November 35 a.t.[New and Revised Pages]

Science section upgraded.
Perihelion, Pspyder and Tobacco transferred from EG pages transferred from EG pages

14 November 35 a.t.[New and Revised Pages]

Upgraded Voices of OA stories and vignettes sections - added Yes Jolonah There is a Hell (SF/Horror)
Checked and corrected some mistakes on Novels Page, added short entry on Stanislaw Lem (from archives), Transferred one entries Futurism reviews to Nonfiction - Science and added new short entry there. New page/reviews - Revelation Space and The Third Millennium
Added Andromeda to TV and movies page. Slightly modified Grading SF for Realism

10 November 35 a.t.[ Revised Pages]

Upgraded Music and Downloads pages

9 November 35 a.t.[New and Revised Pages]

Revised Worlds pages, which is the last major section of the site to be revised and upgraded. Still some of these write-ups area bit incomplete, but this was sucha big section I didnt want to spend too much time getting it all perfect; this can be done later. So remember, many of these worlds, especially some of the older write-ups and adaptations from Anders's BIGV site, are still incomplete or works in progress, ecven more so than the rest of OA.
Added a couple of new worlds pages - Brin (an old write-up of Anders) and MyuvYin. Also transferred Conway's World from the alphabetical pages, and gave it its own page
Another thing I did tonight was delete the old unnecessary directories and some old top pages. These had been retained because of links from some of the older pages. But now almost all of the pages pertain to the current links (apart from a few small sections that havent been revised yet). This makes the site a lot more streamlined. The style sheet has also been streamlined as well, now that it is not needed for the older pages. All in all a good days work :-)
OA will continue to have lots of good material and updates. So check this section at regular intervals, and if you want, join up and become a part of this innovative project!

7 November 35 a.t.[New and Revised Pages]

Added review pages, transferred old movies page to TV and Movies review page - movies page now dedicated to official OA CG movies, also new page with 3D Graphics.
Added Computer Games Review page with review of Total Annihilation
Upgraded Books pages

6 November 35 a.t.[Revised Pages]

revised New Empires (Expansionistic Age) and Current Era pages

5 November 35 a.t.[New and Revised Pages]

Added New Message Board Forum - OA Movie
Upgraded the Ships Section;
under Ships added the following pages - Bussard Ramscoop, Classic Ships, Crescent Cruiser Class, Dominator, Dyaush Colony Ship, Femtotech GUT Drive,Fuzzy Ships, Ship Design, Ship Type, Standard GUT Drive
and renamed the following pages - Standard Amat becomes Pion Drive; some material from GUT drive becomes TOE drive
under History added the following pages - Carapace Armor, Ceres, Eurekan Cybercracy, Space Elevators (pre-nanoswarm), Vesta
under Sophonts added the following page - Heroms (Heteromorphs)

1 November 35 a.t.[Revised Pages]

Upgraded the Languages Pages

31 October 35 a.t.[Revised Pages]

Upgraded layout of Gallery section, and added some more artwork to Phyles and Clades

29 October 35 a.t.[New Pages]

Added The Cronosians, The Eternal, The Red Star 'M'pire, and The Transcend. Also revised a few pages.

21 October 35 a.t.[New and Revised Pages]

Most of Time-line revised, with many new dates added, but still have to do some pages. Added The The Post-ComEmp Era
Additional material added to Daily Life - Food

19 October 35 a.t.[New and Revised Pages]

Revised xenos pages and added the Beacon Project

17 October 35 a.t.[New and Revised Pages]

Updated Daily Life section with addition of the following new pages (mostly short): Essentials of Everyday Life, Everyday Tech, Everyday Life, Baseline Tools, Baseline Accessories - Hi Tech Polity, Baseline Accessories - Ultratech Polity, Baseline tools: The Babel fish, The Ear and the Happy Tongue, Food, and Conversations.

14 October 35 a.t.[New and Revised Pages]

OA Roleplaying Game and gaming pages revised. The current RPG has been revised to allow transapient attributes, but it is still in the "alpha stage" and very much incomplete.

12 October 35 a.t.[New and Revised Pages]

Added link to Orion's Arm Space Trader Sim website (official OA Computer game project)
Modified a number of pages, added Middle/Medium Level Tech and Middle/Medium Level Tech Societies.

4 October 35 a.t.[New Pages]

Added Emulation Suits.
Corrected calender date year

1 October 35 a.t.[Revised Pages]

Finished latest review/upgrade of EG as far as adding new entries goes. Of course, more entries are being added all the time.

28 September 35 a.t.[New and Revised Pages]

New pages: Ambrosianism or the Wagner Heresy, The Classification of Virch Worlds, Dotties, and a Review of Kim Stanley Robinson's Mars Trilogy.
Relocated Transhumanism from EG to "historical" directory (in the OA setting transhumanism is an old historical movement)
Some additional material added to Hiders page

27 September 35 a.t.[New and Revised Pages]

New page - The Solar System in the 9th Century a.t.
announcement - new project - Orion's Arm part 1 - Manifold Runner
Updated/revised Gaming Main Page and Settings pages only (other pages not revised).
Revised and corrected Zoeific Biopolity, upgraded Zoeticism page

23 September 35 a.t.[New and Revised Pages]

Added Clade Scrabo Prior; transferred Makrania Orwoods from EG pages; pages J, K, L, and M revised and many new entries added.
Images added to Djed, Harmonic-Resonance, and Sadalmelic

21 September (35 a.t.) [New and Revised Pages]

EG pages - A, B, and W revised.
Relocated pages (from EG): Algol Broadcasting Foundation, The Brain Shell, Worm ai, etymological notes and Wup
New pages: Megastructural Migration (Moving Days)

17 September 35 a.t.[New and Revised Pages]

EG pages - I revised.

16 September 35 a.t.[New and Revised Pages]

EG pages H revised. The following given their own pages: HaRoNa, Hal, Honemane K05, Ho'th'hss'lho, Harmonic-Resonance, and Zexxii
New pages - Gyanti and Silence
Images added to Siberoo and Orinoco

14 September 35 a.t.[New and Revised Pages]

Pan-Sophontism page modified and extended.
New pages: Nanotrees, Alseid, Iniliak, Sufants, and Tvekna

12 September 35 a.t.[Revised Pages]

FAQs page modified and updated with addition of Cafe OA. Answering Criticism to OA moved to own page

6 September 35 a.t.[New and Revised Pages]

Added XMAS 187 to Vignettes and Very Short Stories section. Added illustration to Empire Time

5 September 35 a.t.[New Mail List]

Cafe OA (Writers/Artists Mail List) set up at Yahoo egroups (name inspired by short story below

4 September 35 a.t.[New and Revised Pages]

Divided Stories page into three sections, Short Stories and Novellas, Unfinished Short Stories and Novellas, and Vignettes and Very Short Stories.
Added The Cafe OA, Vignettes from OA, and
Empire Time (short stories and vignettes). New illsutration added to On the Boat

2 September 35 a.t.[New and Revised Pages]

Added Djed and Ouaddai. Revised Worlds Listing.
Moved Feynman Expert Systems, Godslist, Orinoco and Ozymandias from EG pages back to main topics directories. Upgraded Quadaa.
Graphic added to Kemmerer; new graphics for UrchinStar, The Disarchy-Premacy Compact and Ozymandias.
Upgraded EG pages e, f, and g

28 August 35 a.t.[New and Revised Pages]

Added On the Boat and illustration for Cantaloupe Terrain (short stories)
Also new pages: Hyperplacebo Effect, The Ionians of Lothary (and associated art pages), the Medusa Fractal, and Neuro-fractal Patterning
Moved Radiation Nation from EG page to separate (own page) entry

20 August 35 a.t.[Revised Pages]

Added grafics to Update on the Verifex Event, Disarchy-Premacy Compact, and Far Horizon Venture, as well as revising Historical Events section

16 August 35 a.t.[New and Revised Pages]

The term "Uplift", and references to it are being removed from the worldbuilding part of site, to avoid a copyright violation with David Brin's series of novels (the Uplift Saga), and the term "Provolve" used instead. Also overuse of the prefix Neo- is being removed, again to avoid conflict with Mr Brin's works. Renamed (and revised) pages - Provolves (formerly "Uplifts"), Sapientchimps and Sapientbonobo (formerly "NeoChimps" formerly "Chimpmen"), Enhanced Dolphins (formerly "NeoDolphins"), Gaian Whales (formerly "NeoWhales"), Bitenic Squid (formerly "NeoSquid"). "Neo-" will of course still be used to refer to several provolved clades (e.g. see below), but much less frequently.
New Pages: BioGeoComputing, Dream Factory, Godstars, Hider Symbiotes, Medusa Fractal, Nanobones, and NeoPigs
Modified Pages: Naurinumes (Centauri Neumanns), Kepleria
New Art: Roger the Bioship

9 August 35 a.t.[Revised Pages]

Impressions of the Emple-Dokcetic added to traveller's notes.
Some errors on various pages corrected

7 August 35 a.t.[New and Revised Pages]

New Section: Voices of Orion's Arm (completely changed from previous)
New Pages: Traveller's Notes, Nanostasis, Wormholes and Causality, and Frank Herbert book reviews all added
Images added to Taurus Nexus, First Vec War, The Pluton Volume And The Epp War, Arkab Prior, and Kepleria
Some additions to the Glossary and to the Parameters of the OA setting

28 July 35 a.t.[New Pages]

Added Worldhouses, The Taurus Nexus, The First Vec War, Sensors for Space Warfare, Interstellar Trade, Encyclopedia Everythingiana Worldbuilding Competition, and Social Interactions

20 July 35 a.t.Happy New Year! (AT 34)

19 July 34 a.t.[New Pages]

Added Gods, Minds, Sentients, and Subsentients (Sephirotic Inhabitants), God Dwellers, Archailect Architecture, Sensors for Space Warfare, Bribery, Multiplanet Reserves, Dyson Spheres (still pretty incomplete), and basic Megascale Engineering page

18 July 34 a.t.[New Pages]

The following worlds added: Arkab Prior A + B, and Vriin. Graphics added to Zennor

17 July 34 a.t.[upgrade]

Changed link colour scheme on this page and for links in header section as they appear in non-IE browsers
Netiquette page modified on the basis of new approach to list management and list noise reduction.
New page Toh Chi Lok
New essay A Vision (generically relevant but not written specifically for OA) by Anders Sandberg
Graphics added to ArchSaur Entity and Fractaroni Spaghetti Worms

3 July 34 a.t.[Layout]

Changed links to green + bold, to make it look clearer (hopefully) The light links often dont come up properly in IE against a dark background.

29 June 34 a.t.[New pages]

New personalities (sapient and archailect) added: Archosaurian Entity, UrchinStar, Molatov Skulwak, Kieran the First, and GEvidian (relocated from the EG).
Original Archaipelago page divided into Archosaurian Empire and Historical Archaipelago
Material added to Occupations page
More material added to the authors and History of OA pages.

28 June 34 a.t.[New pages and illustrations]

List of professions - Prospector added
A few new art pieces added to culture_and_society and Places.

24 June 34 a.t.[New pages and revision]

New Introduction and Background to Setting (still not complete)
Revised and upgraded Early Space Age/Interplanetary Era and Information Age pages

20 June 34 a.t.[New pages]

Added some miscellaneous stuff that has been sitting on my HD for a while...
The Dergderph Incident, Behavioural Therapy by Transapients, and in the popular "Daily Life" section Garden Paste Design Notes, Jokes, Fads, and Quotes aned Sayings (these three pages all need more material), as well as new material added to Advertising Slogans and News

19 June 34 a.t.[Upgraded page]

Upgraded the "0-9" and "A" section of the Encyclopaedia.
Upgraded Metropolis with datapanel, and new artwork.
Added new artwork under Personalities - Virchualdo (this link opens new window)

18 June 34 a.t.[Upgraded pages]

Upgraded EG Index and EG Topics Page. Separated Annoitated list of worlds from EG worlds index listing.

17 June 34 a.t.[New Pages and Graphics]

New short story - Cantaloupe Terrain. New story image for Under the Looking Glass. New artwork - meetings of different clades. New world, Oikoumene, added

15 June 34 a.t.[Revision and Corrections]

Relocated Prims, Ludds and Lo Teks. Also fixed some broken links, images not loading, etc

14 June 34 a.t.[New Images]

Added some new artwork to the gallery, and introiduced new page for each full size image.

13 June 34 a.t.[New Images]

Added new illustrations (by Bernd) to the following stories: Betrayals on Nova Terra, Finders, Keepers, and A Bed of Stone

9 June 34 a.t.[New Pages]

Guanche (world) and Mission Statement v.0.1 (what we are on about) added.

EG Worlds A-Z Index upgraded to new format

7 June 34 a.t.[Revision and New Page]

Added some new material to faqs page
Added goggle search to search page. This will do until we have our own dynamic site search facult

4 and 5 June 34 a.t.[Revisions and Updates]

New header menu background added to Historical and Clade sections
Various other changes include new illustrations for Clades main page, Vedokiklek, Merpeople, NeoChimps, Bolobo, and Lignosagittiae
Renamed Tylania to Tylansia, and additional material added.
Starmaps for Aardwolf and Diwali
New page - Vampires

3 June 34 a.t.[Revisions]

New background to the side of the header menu on this page (only comes up on hi res (e.g. 1024 px) screen)
Updated Sitemap by adding more links and correcting broken links
uploaded some forwarding pages to old pages that have since been relocated

2 June 34 a.t.[Revisions and New Pages]

Scrapped "Warfare" directory, relocated mostly to "Historical" or "Topics". Pages with new graphics are Warfare, Military Strategy, Space Warfare, and Beam Weapons.
Added Parameters of OA Universe and OA Archailects vs Other Universes (which is more a discussion on the silliness of the Star Wars vs Star Trek weapons and ships rivalry, only added here because even OA has been mentioned in this context on occasion)

26 May 34 a.t.[Revisions and New Pages]

Scrapped "Cultures" directory - relocated to "Civ" or "Topics". Lo Teks, Prims, Low Tech Civilizations, and High Tech Civilizations modified, with addition of new material.
Added symbiotics
Datapanel added to Archaipelago. Reydovan Empire added (still incomplete). Deeper Covenant, Panvirts, Diamond Network and Objectivists transferred from "Civ" to Polities.

23 May 34 a.t.[Revisions]

OA Art Gallery Pages converted to new format, and a number of new artworks added

22 May 34 a.t.[New Pages]

Short story Betrayals on Nova Terra added.
Ludds and Lo Teks added.


Metasoft, Solar Dominion, and Utopia Sphere all upgraded
Nova (Tau Ceti II) renamed Nova Terra and page revised.
First revised page of Encyclopaedia added (Aa-Ab)

14 May 34 a.t.[New Pages]

Prims and the The Far Horizon Venture added.

12 May 34 a.t.[New Pages]

civ tech levels and associated pages revised

11 May 34 a.t.[New Pages]

civ tech scale and associated pages finally up

10 May 34 a.t.[New Pages]

baseline equivalent sapients and superbrights

9 May 34 a.t..[Site Development]

Sentients page upgraded. OA Geek code added to authors page. Replaced most of the pages in the old ai and races directories with relocation pages.

8 May 34 a.t..[Site Development]

Intro and Book Review pages upgraded and reorganised. Faqs page also reorganised

1 May 34 a.t..[Site Development]

Tech pages upgraded

1 May 34 a.t.[New Page]

Added Views of the Constellation Orion and Terragen Expansion diagrams

30 Apr 34 a.t.[New Pages]

Added Notes On Solarian Culture and The Organic Ascension Alliance. Other new pages recently added are The Enigma Cluster and The Pluton Volume

26 Apr 34 a.t.[Site Development] More pages upgraded

Upgraded/revised Regions section.

25 Apr 34 a.t.[Site Development] More pages upgraded

Upgraded/revised the following : Clades, Cultures, Historical, Xenos, and assorted miscellaneous

Also check out the splash page. There will be a new feature image displayed at regular intervals.

23 Apr 34 a.t.[Site Development] Pages and major topics upgraded

Upgraded the following : Arts (some), Civilization (a lot of pages), Personalities (a number of pages), Polities (a lot of pages), Sophontology ( a lot of pages)

Also tried to organise the topics in a sort of logical directory sequence (especially with Civilization and child nodes)

21 Apr 34 a.t.[Site Development] Style sheets fixed (I think...)

The look of the new Orion's Arm pages should be a bit better with some style sheet errors corrected. I am still busy on a revision of the recently uploaded pages, along with the v.1 pages.

11 Apr 34 a.t.[Announcement] OA v.2.0 is up!

The Orion's Arm website is currently being radically overhauled, as you will notice from this new layout on the home page. But because revision on this scale takes some time, there will be a transitional period when both new and old pages are up. The revision includes: page redesign on all pages, easier navigation, more compact directory layout, some topic modification, new calender (a.t. rather than c.e.), and conversion to Creative Commons License. Also this space will be used for announcements, news of site updates, and things of general interest.

New Pages:

The Far Edge Civilization
The Hypercorruption Expanse
The Pluton Volume And The Epp War

17 March 2003

Chuckie the Beanz Borg, Jonesy Dillings, Quizical, Kuranaba, Medius, Sand, Anandayanna-Uvartarasha War, and The Transcension of Andapuyaran all added. (There will be a few broken links until all the related shorter entries are added to the Encyclopaedia alphabetical pages)

The contents section of the Personalities Main Page revised

16 March 2003

Added Fractaroni Spaghetti Worms and Jaguar-Bear Tribe to list of clades

12 March 2003

The Search For Non-Terragen Intelligence added.

Under the Looking Glass (novellette/novella) added; stories index page rearranged alphabetically according to author

11 March 2003

Added Space Habitat Design [pdf]

Updated Early Digital Communities (and corrected bad css link)

8 March 2003

Added OA Geek Code, Clarke Kent, Galactic Information Bank, Hyperutilization Supremacy, and Zoea

18 February 2003

Added Kapella, Hightower, Tylania, and Genius loci, Space People re-written, relocated Weak Eigenspace Hunters (and corrected CSS link)

17 February 2003

Upgraded the following Encyclopaedia pages abnd sections : T, U, V.

30 January 2003

Added Halcyon

Upgraded and added to Hedonics

29 January 2003

Upgraded the following Encyclopaedia pages abnd sections : R, S

Added Stochocracy

28 January 2003

Updated Bolobo

27 January 2003

Added Baseline Bob; completely revised The Merpeople

Added experimental short story A Bed of Stone

26 January 2003

Neochimp page added

A small amount of new material added to Virtuals

Added the short story Finders, Keepers

Information Age and Interplanetary Age dates pertaining to space exploration put back (in keeping with a presumed slower timeline before colonization of space becomes viable), and new material added

Material from the Tau Ceti/Nova time-line added to the Interplanetary Age and Interplanetary dark age pages

A few of the earlier dates on Nova, Nauri, Mars, and Tir Sorcha modified slightly

Modified the opening wording on the intro page slightly (from "eight thousand years" to "thousands of years")

23 January 2003

Upgarded the following Encyclopaedia pages abnd sections : M, N, O, P, Q.

Added Omega Key

22 January 2003

Heron Institute of Applied Technology, The Bolobo System Wars, Fallacies and Facts about the NoCoZo and events main page are all added.

The Age of Expansionist Empires and The Current Period timeline pages modified with updating of timeline, and several new entries added.

Several old pages - The Chaos, Jon N'mabbo and the Pazists, and Raman's World and the Summer Debacle - have their style sheet links corrected and are transferred to the topics section

Slightly modified Eridanus League (forgot to upload it when announced it last week)

Paypal button on the main page placed on a clearer location

Added a bit more material to the Acknowledgements page

21 January 2003

Forgot to mention, I added a paypal button to the main page, so anyone who would like to make any donations (no matter how small), we'd be very grateful! :-)

Renamed "Futurists and Writers who have inspired the Orion's Arm Scenario" the Acknowledgements page (sounds better) and added a bit more material to it

Added to authors page, added two entries to the start of the faqs page

15 January 2003

Added some new entries to Orion's Arm Relevant Links (white pages) and Futurists and Writers who have inspired the Orion's Arm Scenario

Completely revised Bioships page

The following new pages added: Aroostai, LokRok, Relay001, Ridley Ridley, Toney "Makaroney" Alrami, Update on the Verifex explosion - 12006 c.e (part of the new ongoing revision/extension of the timeline), and Wormhole faqs.

14 January 2003

Revised layout of topics page

Upgraded "J", "K" and "L" pages of the Encyclopaedia

13 January 2003

Grading hard and soft SF page revised (again). Sitemap/Index of Pages updated

12 January 2003

Added local mirror of Aaron Hamilton's superb Encyclopedia of Exopaleontology, with only a few modifications (several references to FTL in one or two of the original entries have been changed, in keeping with the OA hard science setting)

Revised the Institutes section, includingg correcting broken style sheet and other bad links.

Added Restorers

11 January 2003

Upgraded "I" pages of the Encyclopaedia

10 January 2003

Cosmogenesis, Performance Plague, and Ultraconscious Depersonalisation Disorder and Hyperautism all added

8 January 2003

History of the Orion's Arm Worldbuilding Project page slightly modified again.

Added Michael Clive Price's paper on Wormholes to the Whitepapers section

7 January 2003

Upgraded "H" pages of the Encyclopaedia

6 January 2003

Added some material to the SF books section, modified the History of the Orion's Arm Worldbuilding Project page, added material to Grading Science Fiction for Realism, modified the copyright page somewhat.

5 January 2003

Modified this New and Updated Page, transferred older entries to archives

Added SF Writers and Futurists who have inspired Orion's Arm page

30 December 2002

Added Nauri

29 December 2002

The God Web, Virtual Gardens, Tragadi Accords, Incident at Tragadi Gap, and Amalthea, and Whisper all added.

History of the Orion's Arm Worldbuilding Project added

27 December 2002

Added White Pages technical links directory, transferred some material from current links page over to there

Some new material added to FAQs page

26 December 2002

Some new images added to Gallery and Gallery divided into pages according to topic

19 December 2002

White Papers directory added

House Tir Sorcha added

Siberoo added

New entries added to Consolidation Age, Second Federation era, Version War period, and Commonwealth of Empires period pages

17 December 2002

New entries added to First Federation period and Imperialization Age, Age of Emergence, Age of Expansion, and Establishment Age pages

16 December 2002

New entries added to Infomation Age and Interplanetary Age pages

15 December 2002

Review of Confederation Handbook added

14 December 2002

Added some more FAQs to the FAQs page.

Added material to the Contribute page

Modified the copyright page slightly

Modified the SF Grading page

10 December 2002

Added several entries to Myths and Rumors: Boneless, Fair Folk, Foo, and The Marsupial Lion

Added Metric Ghosts and The Gift of Ginoie

Added Cowboys and Gung Hos

20 November 2002

Added Rheolithoids

19 November 2002

New simpler index page. The old index page is now the main menu page. Click on the OA image to get from the index page to the main menu page. There is also an intro series for newbies to try to make OA less incomprehensible for the first time visitor. This is part of an overall revision of the philosophy and design of the site to make it more accessable.

Overview page added, and other secondary overview pages revised.

Archaipelago added. Polities Index page modified, Tar Vara page modified with new design.

EG main page modified - list of topics on Topics Index page completed

2 November 2002

Added index and contents to "C" , "D" , and "E" pages of the Encyclopadeia

1 November 2002

Added index and contents to "B" pages of the Encyclopadeia

30 October 2002

Added index and contents to "A" pages of the Encyclopadeia

23 October 2002

Contents page modified

Added more Encyclopadeia Galactica alphabetical topics pages and listings

22 October 2002

Added more alphabetical topics pages and listings

21 October 2002

Modified Encyclopadeia Galactica Index Page, added Alphabetical Index, also added index to AI, Archailects, Astronomy, Baselines, Biology, Biotech, Chemistry, Cyborgs, Droids, Esoterics, Terragen Animals and more to topics pages

19 October 2002

Added Beta Virginis and completely revised / updated Pacifica

Added Tar Vara Habitat; revised Crystal_Star.html

18 October 2002

Tuphz Mortalists, Baselines, and Plebhu added; Moldies renamed Erotogini, Shapers renamed Genetekkers and moved to new directory, Near-baselines modified.

12 October 2002

Added Nova and Tau Ceti

11 October 2002

Added Mucoid Empire

Transferred Gerkletoss to Xenos directory.

Added to Black Acropolis and Zennor

Modified Ultimates and Xenos pages

8 October 2002

Added Relief, Rudolph, and Zennor to the list of worlds

Modified Early Biotech page

6 October 2002

Completely revised bias drive, pitch drive, and diametric drive pages

Slightly modified Content pages
Sci/Tech, Fine Arts, and Society

16 September 2002

Added The Disarchy/Premacy Compact, The Signal Lamp, and the The Hominid Merge Debacle all added.

15 September 2002

Menu pages reorganised. Narratives page added.

The Difficulty in Crossing the City (short story) and Metropolis added

Upgraded more pages of the Encyclopaedia

9 September 2002

Metaempires added

30 August 2002

Eye and Macromart (both the start of a story) by ESB added

29 August 2002

Upgraded some "C", "D" and "E" pages of the Encyclopaedia

28 August 2002

OA Gallery added.

Some minor additions tio the authors page

As part of the menu reorganisation, added Sophonts, Sci/Tech, Fine Arts, Metaphysics Society, Players, and Policies pages

26 August 2002

Revised sentients page

20 to 25 August 2002

Upgraded the ship propulsion pages

13 to 15 August 2002

Upgraded "B", "S" and "T" pages of the Encyclopaedia

Upgraded Megacorps

12 August 2002

GUT drive page upgraded with new material added

Beam Rider Network and Deeper Covenant added

Virtual Haven relocated

7 August 2002

Old "what's new" stuff transferred to archives updates page; this page upgraded

Upgraded Intro, Intro-More, basics, basics-more, and OA in a Nutshell pages. Further modified Welcome page. Modified size and colour of header font

6 August 2002

Modified OA Home page (simpler menu and a few other additions)

Modified Welcome page

Upgraded Downloads page

5 August 2002

Upgraded A pages of the Encyclopaedia

4 August 2002

Aliens pages upgraded, added Lignosagittiae and Triangulum Transmission

Crystal Star Dominion and Sesharia added; a number of worlds pages revised/upgraded

29 July 2002

Added/revised a number of pages in the Worlds section (still working on others)

Revised layout of polity pages

Added Siris Habitat

22 July 2002

Added very basic navigation, content, and extras pages (still under construction)

Added the following worlds: Aardwolf, Audobon, Kemmerer, Megasov, Ribblehead, and Sadalmelic.

Added m2vi19-t34201 / Megasov to personalities.

Made The Bolobo Murders a separate page from The Audubon Engenerator

Upgraded Language page and corrected broken links

21 July 2002

Upgraded Fiction and Futurism/non-fiction Books page with new menu system and several extra reviews, and added review of Reality Dysfunction

15 July 2002

Upgraded Netiquette page and added OA Community page

11 July 2002

Upgraded Worlds pages and corrected incorrect CSS links.

10 July 2002

Upgraded Maps page and corrected incorrect CSS links.

Some more entries to the Encyclopedia N pages.

8 July 2002

Upgraded FAQs and Netiquette pages

Upgraded First Federation page

5 July 2002

Upgraded Personalities section and corrected incorrect CSS links. Several smaller pages transferred to EG alphabetical entries

Some more entries to the Encyclopedia pages Fe-Fh, Ho-Ht, Ma-Md, O, and Y

3 July 2002

Upgraded Regions of Space section and corrected incorrect CSS link

New page - Ula(f) Region.

Added a few more links to the links page

2 July 2002

Added illustrations to The Fireman

1 July 2002

Added Laylaron

Added Dyson Trees

Added The Fireman (short story)

23 June 2002

Added Filium's Proof

Added images to Beelzebub,

Corrected broken links and added images to Benedita Blue Sky.

Corrected broken links and added extra entries to Personalities Main Page and made the sidebar graphics in the Personalities less distracting.

Some more entries to the Encyclopedia pages H, Ba-Bd, Ge-Gh, Li-Ln and Si

19 June 2002

Added Benedita Blue Sky.

Fixed broken links in tech applications page

Some more entries to the Encyclopedia pages T and U added

14 June 2002

Encyclopedia pages 0 to 9 added

Netiquette page added

More entries to the Encyclopedia pages H I, L and P

12 June 2002

Added a few more entries to the Encyclopedia pages D E, F and G

9 June 2002

Added Grading Science Fiction for Realism, Reunion At Kemmerer (short story), Beelzebub, (planet - images still to be added), and Singers (alien race)

Added a few more entries to the Encyclopedia pages A B, and C

Corrected broken links on Aryan Morningstar League page, also image added

6 June 2002

Aryan Morningstar League added

18 May 2002

Topics Index updated with new pages The Aardwolf Storms, the The Audubon Engenerator and the Bolobo Murders, and the The Red Dwarf Kings added

1 May 2002

Completed the revison of the "S" pages
, also revised the "Z" and some other associated EG pages

26 April 2002

Added a few new entries to the Book Reviews page; also Star Maker (new page)

22 April 2002

Some minor additions and modification of the Information Age, Interplanetary Age, and Nanotech Interplanetary Age timeline pages (including space colonization entries for info age and some early interplanetary age moved forward 20 years, and a few early nanotech entries likewise put forward the same amount)

21 April 2002

Completed the "P" pages
, upgraded the "Q" and "W" pages

17 April 2002

Added OA Card Game v.010

14 April 2002

Modified sentients page slightly

Upgraded some "P" pages

6 April 2002

Illustration by bernd added to The Price of Enlightenment

4 April 2002

Added some new stories - Utopia Blues (idea for a comic) and the very short The Price of Enlightenment

Illustration by bernd for short story Thesis Project

3 April 2002

Upgraded some "N" and the O" pages of the Encyclopedia.

Added some more material to the nanogrunge novella bAdmod (note, story still unfinished and may be revised further)

Illustration by bernd for the unfinished (and to be modified) story Empire

19 March 2002

Upgraded "M" pages of the Encyclopedia.

13 March 2002

Added Orion's Tales mirror.

5 March 2002

Upgraded "L" pages of the Encyclopedia.

1 to 4 March 2002

Transferred Orion's Arm to new server, now we have our own domain name - yahhh! :-)

Added page on sentient rights

27 February 2002

Upgraded "K" pages of the Encyclopedia.

25 February 2002

Upgraded "J" pages of the Encyclopedia.

24 February 2002

New short story with artwork - Wormhole

Further modified FAQs page

Added Singularity page

23 February 2002

Upgraded "I" pages of the Encyclopedia.

Modified FAQs page and Memetics index page

20 February 2002

Upgraded "H" pages of the Encyclopedia.

17 February 2002

Fragan Empire added

Sophic League upgraded

Upgraded "G" pages of the Encyclopedia.

15 February 2002

Upgraded "f" pages of the Encyclopedia.

12 February 2002

Revision of topics page.

11 February 2002

Revision of AI pages.

6 February 2002

Uploaded first pages in long overdue revision of Tech pages.

1 February 2002

Upgraded the "E" pages of the Encyclopedia.

31 January 2002

Philosophies section completely upgraded

Memetics page upgraded

30 January 2002

Religions section completely upgraded

28 January 2002

New story - Vapourspan (part 1 of The Martioan Capers)

22 January 2002

Added more material to daily life in Orion's Arm

Upgraded the "D" pages of the Encyclopedia.

20 January 2002

Important new section of OA site added - daily life in Orion's Arm

19 January 2002

Further upgraded the "C" pages of the Encyclopedia.

18 January 2002

Upgraded science pages

Added "The Baseline Song" to music pages

17 January 2002

Added Cult of the Exsanguated Giraffe page

15 January 2002

Added Religion and OA page. Added material to OA in a Nutshell page. Extra material added to FAQs page

Further upgraded the "A" and "B" pages of the Encyclopedia.

11 January 2002

Upgraded the "U", "W", "X" "Y" and "Z" pages of the Encyclopedia.

Relocated Government page to Civilization directory, and gave the page a longoverdue upgrade

Upgraded the Known Net page slighty

Relocated Trophic Levels page to Civilization directory.

Uploaded incomplete Hedonics page

Upgraded the Cyberia page, and uploaded incomplete Cyberia Report

9 January 2002

Finished the "T" pages of the Encyclopedia.

7 January 2002

Upgraded the "C" pages of the Encyclopedia.

4 January 2002

Wormhole page upgraded, new pages added

Wormhole Nexus page upgraded and Wormhole Terminiii page added

3 January 2002

Welcome page modified, with new illustration.

Java news applet moved to Glactic Newsnet page

2 January 2002

Intro pages upgraded and improved

Links page upgraded.

Books page revised - futurism moved to separate page; GURPS worldbook page added

Movies page upgraded with material from links page

1 January 2002

Happy new year!

Upgraded the "A" and "B" pages of the Encyclopedia.

Upgraded the rings page

31 December 2001

Completed the "S" pages of the Encyclopedia.

29 December 2001

OA music page upgraded, with original music; and some tongue-in cheek songs uploaded

28 December 2001

Rest of time line upgraded, with original graphics

27 December 2001

Inner sphere time-line section updated and corrected, and illustrations added

Main time-line page modified slightly.

Finally got around to revising and correcting the Version War page

24 December 2001

AI Political Science - Major AI Political Camps During the Interplanetary Era added

22 December 2001

Completed the "Q" and "R" pages of the Encyclopedia.

Also, the general Encyclopedia has been tidied up, got rid of those old pages

19 December 2001

Completed the "P" pages of the Encyclopedia

17 December 2001

Completed the "O" pages of the Encyclopedia

15 December 2001

Completed the "U" and "Y" pages of the Encyclopedia

Upgraded the pet humans and Ultimates pages; finally got around to putting up the Vedokiklek page.

Added a new story Chaos Under Heaven to the Stories index.

14 December 2001

Completed the "X" pages of the Encyclopedia

13 December 2001

Updated Main and Outer Volumes Timeline.

Transferred prior what's new entries to a seperate directory

Got rid of some redundant pages

12 December 2001

Completed the "V" and "W" pages of the Encyclopedia

Shortened glossary with transferral of some entries to Encyclopaedia pages

Modified main pages list, with removal of shorter pages

9 December 2001

Completed the "N" pages of the Encyclopedia

8 December 2001

Completed the "M" pages of the Encyclopedia

5 December 2001

Oceanus Ultimata added

Meistersingers added

3 December 2001

Completed the "L" pages of the Encyclopedia

29 November 2001

Completed the "K" pages of the Encyclopedia

25 November 2001

Completed the "J" pages of the Encyclopedia

12 November 2001

Archetypes page modified, Radiant Axes page updated

10 November 2001

Completed the "I" pages of the Encyclopedia

7 November 2001

Completed the "H" pages of the Encyclopedia

4 November 2001

Added Gayomart

Image added to Virtual Haven page

Upgraded Worlds index somewhat

Modified Cultures, Societies, and Lifestyles images

3 November 2001

revised the "A" pages of the Encyclopedia some more

1 November 2001

Completed the "G" pages of the Encyclopedia

Added some astronomy database links to the links page

30 October 2001

New page - Virtual Haven

corrected layout of Exdependents page

new images for Lifestyles pages

new images for fads and fashions page

29 October 2001

Completed the "F" pages of the Encyclopedia!

Exdependents moved to societies directory, and new image by bernd included

28 October 2001

Xenos page modified sligtly, some improved background images

Resources availability for OA rpg game

Further slight modifications for OA rpg rules

Links page modified slightly

24 October 2001

Finally got the "E" pages of the Encyclopedia finished!

Authors page updated

22 October 2001

Further modifications for OA rpg rules

20 October 2001

Added empires modifiers for OA rpg

19 October 2001

Further modified races page, with some new pages. Added races templates for OA rpg

15 October 2001

Bioborgs added. Upgraded droid, reanth, moldie, and cyborgs pages; modified some of the entries in the sentients page

14 October 2001

Orion's Arm Roleplaying Rules (Version 0.4) upgraded but still needs more work; some of these stats and other details will be modified further

13 October 2001

Added Prometheism

12 October 2001

Added Known Net page; modified Civilization main page

9 October 2001

Entry on J-Fliers up

"D" pages of the Encyclopedia up

Revised "B" pages of the Encyclopedia

5 October 2001

Orion's Arm Roleplaying Rules (Version 0.3) just up!

2 October 2001

Revised "A" pages of the Encyclopedia

Renamed United Suns as Formalhaut Aquisition Society

Added Anders image to Empire Ship page

Icons and Fetishes page uplaoded

1 October 2001

Early Superior Art added. Upgraded Art page, renamed directory. Perfect Art page upgraded.

Personal Weapons page added

29 September 2001

Added "Z" page of the Encyclopedia. Still 22 letters to go (plus A through to C in need of revision)

28 September 2001

Races main page revised - added Methusalahs and Sailors of the Ebon Sea added

Orikaeshigitae added to Personalities

26 September 2001

The Mirrored Owls added

24 September 2001

Revised "C" pages of the Encyclopedia uploaded

22 September 2001

Revised "A" and "B" pages of the Encyclopedia

21 September 2001

Added Transmetropolitan (review) and Academion

Added Empire Ship page and Civilization Ship

Finally finished the prelimary revision of the "B" pages of the Encyclopedia

20 September 2001

Houses section revised. Personalities section revised with addition of Adriana Yue Oncehuman and The Specialist. Illustration added for Enrastered Link Connection. Erikk Holsta transferred to personalities section

17 September 2001

Encyclopaedia pages for A just up

16 September 2001

Added material to Evolution main page. Modified OA-relevant Books page. Modified Version War page

Slightly modified list of worlds. Daedelus page up.

14 September 2001

Added The Prince

Added entry to links page

10 September 2001

Modified Xeno pages (with new illustrations), upgraded Culture pages and Hider pages, - the following pages have been upgraded or added - Haloists, Immanentization Crusaders, Phyle Marian, Neosemperism, Peregrinate, and Relativists; Backgrounder upgraded and moved to Hiders directory; /|\/|\ Polarizers moved to cultures directory.

Civilizations page slightly modified, with new graphic. Encyclopedia Everythingiana relocated. Civilizations tools page put up but nothing on it yet

9 September 2001

United Suns and Technorapture Hypernation pages finally up. Slight modifications to Terran Federation

Entire subversives directory upgraded, with addition of new page : 348 Isomorphism and Simply Connect!

7 September 2001

Been working hard on the backlog. So, a number of new pages up today; one completely upgraded and one new topic page: Society and Xenos. Incomplete new topics index page also.

The following subject pages: Echir-{n}, Andromeda Kids, Abdicators, and /|\/|\ Polarizers

Timeline page upgraded and improved. New material added to OA in a nutshell. Additions to Perversities/AI pathologies page

6 September 2001

Terran Federation added

Noetopics page revised slightly

4 September 2001

Limners page revised and improved

1 September 2001

Two new worlds pages added: Arkady 2 and Aldebaran

Some new links added to the links page

27 August 2001

added incomplete pages on Paulans and Thyresta, slight modification and addition to text on aliens main page

added image to Last Will and Testament of an Archailect. New short story Chuan Tsu's Scorpion. Further thumbs added to Story index page

26 August 2001

Expansive One and Invisible Hand added to list of AIs

Limners page added to alien races

Timeline modified

24 August 2001

Added Last Will and Testament of an Archailect (short story)

Added first page of new Encyclopaedia Galactica (most of the EG hyperlinks wont work yet because other pages still be added)

22 August 2001

Added to Noetopics page - uploaded Great Round Page and adapted it properly to setting, added new (incomplete) page on Evolution, added image to Space Opera essay

20 August 2001

Added to Space Opera essay; new Orion's Arm in a nutshell page, corrected errors in the AI Pages uploaded yesterday, slight modification to Index page, corrections to More Intro and Sentients pages

19 August 2001

Completed upgraded all the AI pages

18 August 2001

Completed upgraded the Singularities page

17 August 2001

Present what's new page added

Glossary, links, and Sentients pages all modified. Singularities/Toposophic Levels page re-written

Updates to the website July 20 2008-Present