Metric Weapons

Metric weapons base their destructive power on the manipulation of space-time itself. They are the most powerful and feared class of weapons although their actual use is more the stuff of rumor and legend than of documented fact. At their most powerful metric weapons are capable of literally vaporizing entire solar systems despite often being too small to see with any device available to modosophont-level minds.
Examples include Shatterbombs, Implosion Weapons, Metric Bombs, and Thunderbolts, as well as technologies which also have peaceful uses such as grazer wormholes and Void Pockets. Many of these systems appear to use the manipulation of gravitation, negative energy and inflatons in ways that modosophont-level science and technology cannot match.
It is some small comfort to many modosophont thinkers that metric weapons are the sole province of archailects and are virtually never allowed into the hands of lesser beings. Other more pessimistic or cynical commentators wonder if the so-called "ultimate weapons" of metric technology are the true limits of transapient power or if the universe itself may be at risk from the battles of the AI "gods".

- Black Angel - Text by Todd Drashner
Combat specialized mini-ISO.
- Displacement Cannon - Text by Adam Getchell and Todd Drashner
A maneuverable explosive device with a range in the hundreds of light years that moves at close to light speed and delivers energies on the order of kilotons to gigatons. It depends on transapient level metric engineering. Very occasionally made available to modosophonts, most notably in the war against the Amalgamation.
- Grazer Wormhole - Text by Adam Getchell
Purpose-built spherically symmetric wormholes carried into systems, such as globular clusters, that are rich in material and energy but (usually) poor in planetary materials.
- Implosion Weapon - Text by Adam Getchell with additions by Todd Drashner
Near-mythical godtech weapon system that is believed to operate by altering the dimensionality of space-time.
- Metric Bomb - Text by Todd Drashner
Godtech weapon capable of destroying planets or stars with virtually no warning.
- Shatterbomb - Text by Todd Drashner
Godtech weapon that is believed to operate by creating a brief, intense and localized increase in the expansion of space-time resulting in the disruption of any matter within the affected volume.
- Thunderbolt - Text by Adam Getchell
A beam of gravitational wave singularities which destroys the universe as it goes.
- Void Pocket - Text by Todd Drashner
Fifth Singularity or higher void bubble that can contain complex conventional matter structures and safely release them into the outside universe when the bubble is deactivated.
- Void Swarms - Text by Marcel Lossi
Hypothetical god-tech entities consisting of numerous linked void motes.