Acts of Dialogue
Acts of Dialogue
Image from Steve Bowers
The Acts of Dialogue is a virtual ship travelling via the Lightways in cyberspace
Acts of Dialogue is a Communion of Worlds exploratory nullship, active in the South-Counterspinwards periphery.

As a nullship, it is a virtual entity travelling by the Lightways. Automated systems set up new lightway transceivers around stars at the periphery of Terragen space. Acts of Dialogue is then transmitted to the new transceiver. There are usually several copies operating at any given time, which periodically meet and merge.

It often travels "by expectation", transmitting a copy to destination where a transceiver is expected to be finished by the time of its arrival. If this copy fails to arrive, another copy at the start can travel elsewhere. In cases where telescopic evidence indicates a star of special interest, it can direct the lightway construction to that star.

Acts of Dialogue was proposed in 9804 by the Requiem colony Needlepoint, which had recently been served by Communion mediators. The project found backing from Communion transapients, and Acts of Dialogue began its maiden voyage in 9828.

The crew consists of 7200 Requiem uploads, 1728 empai bridge minds, and an S1 advisor ai.

Acts of Dialogue is most well known for initiating contact with the xenosophont Riposte in 10220.
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Development Notes
Text by Liam Jones
Initially published on 04 August 2024.
