Chakra (esotericism)
According to Old Earth Hindu tantric/yogic belief systems, and many belief systems derived from or inspired by them including some Buddhist, Nuage, and some Bioist traditions or esoteric groups, chakras are points of nonphysical energy in the mystic or 'subtle' body, which is related to but not the same as the physical body. They represent places where the prana, or life force, meets and mixes. The concept of chi is similar. There are many chakras, depending on which text or tradition one consults, but in the oldest of the widespread versions of the idea there are seven that are of primary importance in humans. The original system of chakras has been extensively modified from the set of Old Earth versions, particularly where they have been adopted by nonhuman clades.

- Ajna (esotericism)
- Anahata (esotericism)
- Ch'i
- Manipura (esotericism) - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
The third of the seven chakras, placed by some commentators in the region of the navel, by others in the Solar Plexus, of the human physiology. In traditional iconography the Manipura chakra has ten petals, is associated with the tattwa (element) of Fire, and is said to be reddish (or alternatively in NuAger Tantra yellow) in colour. In some yoga schools it is taken as a point for focus of ch'i energy.
- Muladhara (esotericism) - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
The first of the seven chakras, placed by most commentators in the region of the base of the spine (although alternative positions are suggested for derived clades, vecs, provolves etc.). In traditional iconography the Muladhara chakra has four petals, is associated with the tattwa (element) of Earth, and is said to be reddish. In some Tantra schools it is taken as the locus for kundalini energy.
- Sahasrara (esotericism) - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
The highest of the seven chakras, placed by some commentators at the crown of the head, by others some centimetres or more above. In some yoga schools it is taken as a point for mental focus, among other schools as the location of the "mental atom". It is also identified with Shiva and the transcendent pole of existence in the original Tantrika system. When the consciousness (or the ascending kundalini energy) reaches Sahasrara it is said that the yogi attains liberation.
- Svadhishthana (esoterics)
- Vishudda (esotericism)