PetroGaian world, home to the Walking Mountain. | |
![]() Image from The Astronomer | |
Tannhauser as seen from orbit. |
System | Names: Minnesang Primary: Minnesang (JD 400435-530) Location: - Distance from Sol: 685 ly - Constellation: Ara Reached: 3218 AT |
Star | Names: Minnesang, JD 400435-530 Physical characteristics: - Mass: 0.687 x Sol - Radius: 0.683 x Sol - Luminosity: 0.164 x Sol (bolometric) - Temperature: 4,444 Kelvin - Spectral type: K5V - Rotation period: 35.47 days - Age: 3.9 billion years System details: 1) Sangerkrieg: Tholi-Neptunian Semi-major axis = 0.430 AU, Orbital period = 124.3 days, Eccentricity = 0.090, Mass = 14.89 x Earth, Radius = 3.839 x Earth 2) Tannhauser: TholiTerrestrial LacuTepidal PetroGaian (see below) Semi-major axis = 1.104 AU, Orbital period = 1.400 years, Eccentricity = 0.025, Mass = 0.328 x Earth, Radius = 0.721 x Earth |
Planet | Names: Tannhauser (Tanhauser) Orbital characteristics: - Semi-major axis: 165,000,000 km (1.104 AU) - Orbital period: 511.2 days (1.400 years) - Eccentricity: 0.025 - Inclination: 2.391° Physical characteristics: - Type: Tholi-Terrestrial Carbi-Telluric LapiRhean LacuTepidal PetroGaian Upperterrene - Mass: 1.959E+24 kg (0.328 x Earth) - Radius: 4,590.5 km (0.721 x Earth) - Oblateness: 0.005 - Density: 4,834 kg/m^3 - Mean surface acceleration: 6.204 m/s^2 (0.632 g) - Rotation period: 69,106 s (19.20 hr) - Solar day: 69,214 s (19.23 hr) - Obliquity: 9.939° - Albedo: 0.244 - Mean insolation: 183.1 W/m^2 (0.135 x Earth) - Mean surface temperature: 278 K Atmosphere: - Surface pressure: 383.2 kPa (3.832 bar) - Composition: 89.9% nitrogen, 4.3% carbon dioxide, 2.6% carbon monoxide, 0.8% butane (vapor), 0.7% argon, 0.7% pentane (vapor), 0.6% propane, 0.1% ethane, 0.1% methane, 0.1% hydrogen, trace amounts of other gases. |
![]() Image from The Astronomer and Steve Bowers | |
Sangerkreig, a tholin-rich ice giant world |
![]() Image from Steve Bowers | |
Walking mountains are large communal organisms which wade in the shallow petroleum seas of this world |