Sagittarius Periphery Wars
A serious of skirmishes, blights, and territorial wars along the Sagittarius frontier during the Age of Consolidation. The potentially worst of these were defused by the Specialist in a series of oft-recounted real-life interventions.

- Sagittarius Arm
- Sagittarius Outer Volumes - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Extensive region of space coreward of the Sagittarius Transcultural Cooperation and MPA space, popular with development and strategic interests because it is seen as the gateway to the Sagittarius Arm.
- Sagittarius Preservers, The
- Sagittarius Project - Text by Anders Sandberg
Major exploration project backed by a number of research and colonization megacorporations in the Establishment and early Consolidation era. The Sagittarius Project attempted to set up wormhole links to the Sagittarius arm and continue inwards to the galactic core. Over time, the Project developed into a megacorp-house like most others (eventually becoming the Sagittarius Sphere), and the thrust towards the core was replaced by exploiting the many new worlds found in the Sagittarius arm. Some research vessels are still on their way towards the core, and are expected back in a few millennia.
- Sagittarius Sector - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Also, "Sagittarius quadrant", loosely defined region that encompasses much of the coreward Outer Volumes. Also known as "The Corewards".
- Sagittarius Sphere
- Specialist, The