Elephant Provolve world |
Star: JD9670012
Type: G5 IV
Luminosity: 1.15 x Sol
Distance from Sol: 720 ly
Constellation: Circinus
Colonised: 3444 AT
Terraformed Utopia Sphere planet, near the Negentropist border, is the home world of the Harrroh race of sophants, originally developed from Indian elephants. Most of the planet surface has been set aside as lightly forested parkland, with a number of cities each with several large spaceports for surface to orbit spaceplanes.
As well as provolved elephants, this world is home to large populations of baseline unprovolved elephants, as well as a comprehensive biosphere of different Earth species including both provolved and unprovolved mammoths, mastodons and deinotheria.
Technology is primarily bionano-based. There are a number of large habitation and industrial orbitals around the planet as well as several major university-library space cities.