Fusion Reactor
Power generation through the release of heat through a controlled nuclear fusion reaction. The hot plasma is confined in a magnetic bottle. The first commercial fusion reactor (a D-T inertial confinement design) came online in France in 87 A.T, supplying 300MW of power to the European grid.
Fusion power generation in the Current Era is a commonplace method of power generation in medium to hi-tech polities, used to power large vehicles and settlements.
Although fusion power generation has a lower energy density than amat it is considerably safer, since there is no need to store amat and a magnetic failure means the hot plasma disperses causing only minor local damage. Dedicated expert systems and subturing computers are used to ensure that the magnetic bottle remains at exactly the right charge to safely hold the plasma.
Conversion power generation is even safer than fusion tech, but requires a significantly greater degree of fine control and more advanced ultratechnology.

- Helium
- Tritium - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Radioactive isotope of hydrogen with mass (nucleon) number of 3. It has a half-life of 12.5 years. The nucleus contains one proton and two neutrons. Tritium is widely used in fusion reactors and for fusion-based interplanetary ships.