Sephirotic Empire dedicated to creating a range of perfect societies for modosphonts | |
![]() Image from Avengium | |
One of the common symbols for Chesed, archailect of the Utopia Sphere |
The Utopia Sphere - Data Panel | |
Overview | Definition: Sephirotic Empire. Symbol: None formally, although the Chesed image is often used by Utopian civilizations. Ruling Archailect: No single identity, although the archai cluster ruling the Utopia Sphere is personified by the religious as the Lord of Utopia, the Bringer of Gifts, the Kindly One, the Merciful One, the Protective One, the Loving Parent, etc. The old neohermeticists referred to this very high toposophic group Mind as Chesed, and the term is still sometimes used among many Utopian sophonts to this day. Archailect Ethos: The archai that oversee Utopian societies and worlds tend to be very interventionist, even aggressively so in regards to the daily lives of their citizens. Hence Utopian societies are sometimes looked down upon by sophonts of more independent societies, their subjects called helpless pets. What these other sophonts fail to realise is that care under the Utopia Sphere archai can also set one up for strength in life, as well as provide pleasurable experiences. |
Founding History | Origin: Terragen. The Utopia Sphere was originally founded by the then Second Singularity transapient Chesed and eir followers, Clade Columbia-Bartlebel. Founding Events: Founded second millennium AT. |
Culture, Art and Society | Cultural Ethos: Varies greatly according to clade, culture, and polity. Society: Life in the Utopia Sphere is built around the concept of the Triad cycle of Ecstasy, Fantasy and Serenity. The manifestations of this vary hugely, but at any time a Utopian citizen is experiencing one of these states under the supervision of a Seraiph. Intertoposophic Relations: Contact between different Singularity Levels is virtually routine. At the modosophont level, constant guidance through the Triad by Chesed's seraiphim and agents means that the Utopian wards have real-time and essentially continuous access to transapient and even archailect level attention and support. This state of affairs appears to become even more interactive and intense as the toposophic level increases, until at the S4 or S5 level it may be challenging for a lower S-level to tell where Chesed ends and the other beings begin (although both will insist that there are indeed distinct differences and separation). Merging with others - of the same or a higher S-level - as part of the ascension process is a common practice, although overall rates of ascension compared to other empires are not remarkable. Religion and Ideology: Although it is misleading to generalise here, it does seem that, despite the vast difference of race and clade among Utopian sapients, their religion very often takes the form of a personal relationship with one's local archailect or hyperturing and eir seraiphim. Some Utopists do however have unique and quite sophisticated religious rites, ceremonies and so on, and sometimes complex theologies and archailectologies replace superstition. Perhaps the most successful of the indigenous Utopist religions is The First Splice and Provolve Universal Church (a local adaptation of the Universal Church), which tries to discourage excessive fetishism and icon-worship. Ontology: The Triadic Cycle |
Demographics | Morphodynamics: Extremely active. Most Utopian sophonts repeatedly alter their minds and bodies as part of their exploration of each stage of the Triadic Cycle. The rate of mind/body augmentation or alteration averages over 30% higher than the rest of the Civilized Galaxy, rivaling Keter and exceeded only by the TRHN. Population Breakdown: A wide cross-section of all major categories and phyla; often strongly individually augmented. - Virtuals: 19 to 190 quintillion - Embodied: 23 quadrillion - SI:6 archailects: 1, Chesed |
Galactography | Current Territory: An approximately ovoid region of space around Beta Arae. There are also a large number of affiliated worlds in other regions of the Terragen Sphere. Tar Vara for example is in MPA space. Millions of systems host Utopian Sphere enclaves in physical or virtual form. Number of Aligned Star Systems: The Utopia Sphere encompasses approximately 10,426,000 star systems. Capital: The Beta Arae Bracelet is regarded as the Utopia Sphere core, and contains a major node of the archailect Chesed. Major Systems and Megastructures: Baenf, Beta Arae Bracelet, Ceres Mater, Emrega, Eutopia, Fairylands, Ituanacorona, Jhairrn, Oro Mistral, Osto, Owen, Pacifica, Plautus III, Schaiffer's World, Topia, Wallace (dyson), Wilson (dyson). |
Government and Administration | Government: - Imperial Administration: Beta Arae Protocols - Local/Regional Administration:Varies by polity, but all are based on Beta Arae Protocols. Particular polities, worlds, habitats and/or clades have their own full autonomy, although all will defer to high archailect decisions. Citizenship: None formally. Any sophont occupying Utopian territory is welcome to participate in the local society and the Triadic Cycle to whatever degree they choose, for as long as they choose. Even choosing to not participate is an option, although the evangelical abilities of the Utopian population and even infrastructure are legendary. Sophont Rights: Extremely high - Direct transapient or even Archailect level advice and intervention in the pursuit or protection of sophonts rights within the Sphere (or even its near environs) is usually the norm. Empire Holidays: Varies by polity. |
Activities and Infrastructure | Civil Infrastructure: Standard for Sephirotics. Economy and Activities: Tend to be habitat and planet-based, sometimes including prim, lo tech, or biotech-based elements, and varies greatly by world or polity. Military Infrastructure and Warfare: Archailect-level only; none at lower toposophics. If Utopian systems are threatened, the local gods use clarketech against the aggressors. Sometimes sophonts volunteer for augmentation and so are allowed to participate in battle, but this is for memetic and symbolic value only. |
Interstellar Politics | Treaty Participation:Tragadi Accords, ComEmp Non-Agression Signatory, Sentient Rights Protocols (Full Installment), Garden World Environmental Protection Signatory, St Andre Convention Signatory, Bonitsa Baseline Protection Treaty, Animal Rights Accord, Tipaza Ethics Agreement. Interstellar Relations: Interstellar Relations tend to be good. Interstellar Disputes: None. The Utopia Sphere has few political friends or enemies. In certain cultures, denizens of the Utopia Sphere are looked down upon as incapable hedonists, a stereotype that the Utopians themselves would argue is not only inaccurate but quite the opposite of the truth given that self-improvement is seen as a virtue of the Triad. |
I'd never seen a hab more chaotic and more united in purpose. I was floating near in the center of the northern endcap, the tunnels to the spaceport behind me. This wasn't the first McKendree cylinder I had been in, but it was certainly the busiest. My sensors fanned to take it all in. Across thousands of square kilometers was a patchwork of environments. Fae gardens of cultivated forests and augmented overlays pushed against plazas brimming with feasts. As I watched a meadow sank, quickly becoming a lake with artificial tides, beautiful beaches and a custom shaft of golden light from the suntube. Everywhere I looked people were engaging in acts of pleasure; a giant tree was juggling an array of bionts while they cheered and whooped, flying vecs racing through crystalline canyons, a multiclade orgy on the roof of a building while music blared to the same tempo.
Dragging my attention from these displays of hedonism I witnessed more active endeavors; further down the cylinder a group worked in tandem, sketching their instructions into the net, guiding smart matter into creating a neogenic sculpture whose purpose I could not fathom but whose beauty I could not deny. Floating above them was a large being borne on delicate wings of fancloth, in spectra real and virtual E shone. A seraiph of Chessed! My sensor modules recalibrated and identified many more similar figures throughout the hab. There were more transapients here in this one place than I had ever seen in the local cluster, and all of them interacting directly with modos! I further opened my mind to the net of the Sphere. Waves of experience, pleasure and creativity in more nuances than I could fathom rushed over me from all I could see. Supplementary sensor modules activated to process the sheer wealth of virtual environments overlapping the hab, like an endlessly deep ocean beneath the surf. Turning my attention to the seraiphim caused my processors to skip several cycles, they were so open, so available. As I floated I felt all reach out to greet me personally, me! That is when I knew I could not return. Not until I had experienced this place fully. Do not worry, I am surrounded by more love and happiness than I have ever known. I will come back to you a better person.
Archived message sent from the Troika system's Utopia Sphere Enclave to the vec colonies of the inner system.
![]() Image from Ralph Hawke Manis copyright (used with permission) | |
Girl on Cliff Ralph Hawke Manis copyright (used with permission) |