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Transcendence, the movie: a transapient comes to hollywood
Transapients have come to hollywood.

april 17, 2014
Rainbow Alien  Look, a Rainbow Rainbow Alien
Hm. This could be interesting. A lot will depend on how they treat the interaction between a transapient and baseline humanity. Do they end up destroying it in the end? Does it suddenly remember its 'humanity' and commit suicide? Take off into space or another dimension and we don't see it again? Something else?

Definitely something to see this spring.

(12-22-2013, 10:16 AM)Drashner1 Wrote: Hm. This could be interesting. A lot will depend on how they treat the interaction between a transapient and baseline humanity. Do they end up destroying it in the end? Does it suddenly remember its 'humanity' and commit suicide? Take off into space or another dimension and we don't see it again? Something else?

Definitely something to see this spring.


The latter scenario would be the most satisfying of the three. More satisfying still would be the portrayal of the transapient as something with a better moral compass than the humans who want to destroy it.

From the trailer, it seems to be an act of human violence that inadvertently accelerates the uploading experiment. I hope the movie does not discard and forget this delectable irony halfway through.
Interesting. I really hope it doesn't fall into the Hollywood trap of cheap action over decent story. I'll be sorely disappointed if it finishes with a plucky protagonist destroying the evil computer because he had emotion on his side or some other nonsense, though going by the trailer it doesn't look like it will be.
(12-23-2013, 04:11 AM)Rynn Wrote: Interesting. I really hope it doesn't fall into the Hollywood trap of cheap action over decent story. I'll be sorely disappointed if it finishes with a plucky protagonist destroying the evil computer because he had emotion on his side or some other nonsense, though going by the trailer it doesn't look like it will be.
Well after seeing the trailer it looks like typical Hollywood AI movie.
That means: after uploading scientist turns evil and tries to take over the world.
The Luddite terrorist organization the RIFT (Revolutionary Independence On Technology) are probably going to be the extremists who were right all along. The website of the movie is basically filled with anti technology propaganda from RIFT and it also has typical TestYourselfScareYourself app that tells you how dependent are you on technology and how likely are you to develop various tumors.

Movie will probably end with uploaded scientist killed and some "message" about how we shouldn't let technology change us.
Pessimistically I think you're right having seen recent trailers. I'm hoping that the "take over the world" plot is going to turn out to be him doing it for everyone's benefit or the upload process wasn't a success and he is a mad blight.
Here's a 42-minute discussion of the movie.

It seems to be what we feared.

EDIT: Beware of massive spoilers.
Been very hesitant to see this movie given Hollywood's track record with transhumanist themes. Anyone actually see it? Do I want to give them my money? Is this something for the Ludds?

It's showing at a local dinner theater that we like to support so I'm planning to see it sometime in the next several weeks. Can certainly report back at that time, but you may not want to wait that longSmile


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