The Orion's Arm Universe Project Forums

obvious noob questions from a writer
Appreciate the bust-up. I actually do. Good editors are brutal.

Those who would aspire to be good writers, welcome good editors. So no worries. And yeah, I've heard more than once I'm overly fond of interminable sentences and adverbs.

Got covered up today with work and another writing gig - I'm actually writing a TEDx talk for a guy here in Greenville (I live a couple states down from you in South Cackalacki) - but when I can come up for air I'll cram some more Galactopedia, and have another go at this thing.

In case I didn't mention it...the more I read, the more amazing this place seems. It's pretty much like, it's got the distilled essences of every great idea and concept from every book I've ever really loved, all condensed into a single unified universe. The toolset it offers a sci-fi absolutely (another offputting adverb, apologies) incredible.

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RE: obvious noob questions from a writer - by TheodoreBonn - 11-19-2013, 02:49 PM

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