04-03-2021, 10:56 PM
Quote:This extraordinarily large object, which I'm currently imagining as a very large toroidal Ederworld, has a radius of 40.85 AU. Is this a random radius, or have you chosen this for a reason? Because gathering 13.66 solar masses would be a daunting task, even for the Terragens - they would need to disassemble at least one large star, and cool it down to planetary temperatures - this would emit a vast amount of heat, since the central part of the star would be at millions of degrees kelvin. The waste heat of construction would be something like a small supernova.
Would a grazer do the job in a reasonable amount of time?
I presume also that you need to process basically all that mass into a DWIZ to obtain heavier elements. A very big DWIZ.
Quote:The amount of thrust required to get this object up to 10c would also require nova-level power, and the object would require a lot of braking at the destination, as well.
I see that the FTL thread is leaking
Semi-professional threads diverter.