The Orion's Arm Universe Project Forums

Orion's Arm Universe Project Discord Server
Hey all.

There's been some interest in a live chat recently so we've set up a discord server. For those of you who don't know discord is a free, easy-to-use voice and text service. Setting up an account is quick and easy. The link to join the OAUP server is here:

Note that this is in no way replacing the forum Smile  it's simply a way for members to casually hang out.
OA Wish list:
  1. DNI
  2. Internal medical system
  3. A dormbot, because domestic chores suck!
I really like the opportunity to talk with other members of OA in live chat.
When someone is connected, the communication is faster. And sometimes are good conversations. Smile
Posted link is expired.
(05-31-2018, 04:26 PM)Tachyon Wrote: Posted link is expired.

OA Wish list:
  1. DNI
  2. Internal medical system
  3. A dormbot, because domestic chores suck!
Hello, it seems that the link is expired once again. Is there a new link, and do you guys use Discord frequently?
(08-25-2020, 03:32 PM)Sdetton Wrote: Hello, it seems that the link is expired once again. Is there a new link, and do you guys use Discord frequently?

I tried the link and it worked, but I'm not sure if it does some sort of 'remember me' function because I've been there before. I have had the link expire on me once before but that wasn't that long ago. Not sure how long a given link lasts.

Anyway - Now that this is posted here Rynn or one of the Discord mods should see it and be able to address the issue.

I don't really have anything to compare it to, but from what I gather the OA Discord is small but reasonably busy.

Hope this helps,

Could someone post another new invite? I can't get back in.
The link in the Arrivals Lounge is working fine for me.

Are you using that one or a different one?

I don't know if Discord treats the lifetime of the links as an absolute or somehow looks at how long a given individual has been using it.

Hope this helps,

You're quite right. I got a bit confused about which link to click, thanks.

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