The Orion's Arm Universe Project Forums

21st century- and OA
The Information Age (30 to 0130 AT) (2000-2100 c.e.)
(2100-2400 c.e.)

Aside from the fact that the future timeline drops off in detail during the 2200s while OA increases in detail over the same time, i'm guessing between 50-70% similar? i'm not sure if something this complex can really be boiled down to a single percentage. Now that i'm reading all the events of this timeline in detail, i'm seeing how much more optimistic they are about femptotech/picotech, arcologies, and society improving through technology. I'm not really sure how copyright issues would be a problem here, since we're all talking about general technological concepts and patterns in society and not specific characters.

They have something similar to 'traditional' forcefields being developed during the 22nd century, which include curved lasers and 'instant carbon nanotube walls' somehow? I'm really not sure how they figured that was possible (is it?), or how the superheated plasma layer hot enough to melt metal bullets instantly wouldn't be a problem for the people inside (air heating up). Also, they have femptotech developing within 200 years, while in OA, we keep picotech and femptotech as a non-viable myth, mostly. Maybe physicists will make some crazy discoveries in the next 200 years and i'll be totally wrong.

reading this actually really makes me appreciate what an incredible job of worldbuilding we've done here (not that we're necessarily more correct overall about how tech will develop, but we've described how the tech in OA develops really well, and the complex ways that it fits into society, and the economic limits of each technology) .
So, great work, everyone!
Rainbow Alien  Look, a Rainbow Rainbow Alien
(10-25-2016, 01:31 AM)Dfleymmes1134 Wrote: The Information Age (30 to 0130 AT) (2000-2100 c.e.)
(2100-2400 c.e.)

reading this actually really makes me appreciate what an incredible job of worldbuilding we've done here (not that we're necessarily more correct overall about how tech will develop, but we've described how the tech in OA develops really well, and the complex ways that it fits into society, and the economic limits of each technology) .
So, great work, everyone!
Is a great thing that almost all the technologies and changes are backed with real facts / theories in OA.
And i like the repercussion and interlacement of society and culture and beliefs with technology. Big Grin
(10-24-2016, 05:25 AM)QwertyYerty Wrote: What do think about the entries themselves?

Some of them seem overly optimistic or don't seem to have a clear connection to real world developments. Others are explicitly already under development or scheduled in the real world.

In the case of the former, it's not clear what the basis is for the technology in question. For example:

[b]Antimatter power plants are widespread

A century after the global deployment of fusion, new forms of power production are becoming necessary in order to cope with the ongoing rise in energy demands on Earth and elsewhere. A new generation of power plants is becoming available, capable of harnessing the energy released in matter/antimatter collisions. The reactions involved are 1,000 times more powerful than fission produced in nuclear power plants and 300 times more powerful than nuclear fusion energy.*

In point of fact, antimatter makes no sense as a power source outside of very specific applications due to the enormous amount of energy that must be consumed just to create it. Far more energy goes into creating amat than you ever get out of it. But if you need a very compact energy source and total matter to energy conversion (think spacecraft or undersea bases or the like), its a useful tool. But if you have the energy to make amat in industrial quantities for planetary energy production - why not use that energy to power the planet directly?

On a different note: The hyperloop concept long predates Elon Musk. I have a book by Gerard K. O'Neil (father of the O'Neil space colony idea) that he wrote in 1981 about what life might be like in 2081. It describes magnetic levitation based subways running in evacuated tunnels at high speed to get around the planet. And IIRC the idea may even predate him.

This is not a slam of either the timeline or of Musk. Musk is promoting the idea of actually making these systems real (and someone has to) and the timeline page is making use of the idea.

My 2c worth,


EDIT: Note that I'm not saying that there are no good entries on the timeline. I'm sure there are quite a few. But some of the more...advanced...technologies proposed don't seem to have a firm basis in known science or suffer from some practicality questions.
What do y'all think about the environmental predictions on
I don't particularly think anything one way or the other about them because I'm not really concerned about them.

My concern is with OA, not some other project that doesn't seem to either interfere with OA or offer a possibly better way of doing something in the OA project. I have a limited amount of time available for online fun and I'd rather spend that on OA.

(10-25-2016, 12:27 PM)Drashner1 Wrote: I don't particularly think anything one way or the other about them because I'm not really concerned about them.

My concern is with OA, not some other project that doesn't seem to either interfere with OA or offer a possibly better way of doing something in the OA project. I have a limited amount of time available for online fun and I'd rather spend that on OA.


I meant compared to OA. Earth's environment is extremely important in OA's story.
I'm with Todd, I'm not sure what the point is comparing this to OA. It's boasting to predict the future, we're a worldbuilding group with a future setting and a commitment to plausibility. But their predictions are either obvious, misinformed or massively speculative.
OA Wish list:
  1. DNI
  2. Internal medical system
  3. A dormbot, because domestic chores suck!
(10-25-2016, 11:59 PM)QwertyYerty Wrote: I meant compared to OA. Earth's environment is extremely important in OA's story.

While that's somewhat true, it doesn't change the basic point.


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