The Orion's Arm Universe Project Forums

Artwork for website?
Ever since I found OA I've wanted to contribute art to the website itself. Like, illustrating articles and such. Now that I'm going pro I'd be interested in doing it just for practice. I want to build up a portfolio of sci-fi art, and this would be an amazing opportunity to do that.

Does this sound like a good idea? Seriously, I would LOOOOOVE to do this, guys. Love love love. If you say yes I will probably die of happiness...then come back to life to work on the project...because death can't stop love.

Gonna post this here too, in case you need to see my art cred Wink
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Any member who wishes to can contribute artwork to the project. We do have some guidelines that submitted artwork needs to meet to be acceptable on the website. These can be found on our How To Contribute page, about halfway down under the section on Artwork Submissions.

Have funSmile

Ah, so do you guys not accept artwork for EG articles unless there's a call for submissions? Because that's where I'm most interested in contributing art. E.g., picking a topic, coming up with an illustration, and adding it to the relevant article(s).
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We accept artwork all the time Smile whenever you have an idea simply post your work in the art subforum for review.
OA Wish list:
  1. DNI
  2. Internal medical system
  3. A dormbot, because domestic chores suck!
Okay, cool! Thanks Big Grin
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This sounds like a great idea.
(04-20-2015, 09:04 PM)stevebowers Wrote: This sounds like a great idea.

So glad you think so!

I guess what I'm looking for are pointers on getting started. I mean, this is your website - it'd feel weird for me to just say "I DID A DRAWING FOR SUCH-AND-SUCH ARTICLE IN THE EG" and throw it out there for you guys to use. Especially if said article already has an illustration attached. I don't want to step on anybody's toes! Smile
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(I'm pretty much everywhere)
(04-21-2015, 04:44 AM)emalin212 Wrote: So glad you think so!

I guess what I'm looking for are pointers on getting started. I mean, this is your website - it'd feel weird for me to just say "I DID A DRAWING FOR SUCH-AND-SUCH ARTICLE IN THE EG" and throw it out there for you guys to use. Especially if said article already has an illustration attached. I don't want to step on anybody's toes! Smile

That's pretty much how OA works so good ahead Smile if there's already a drawing that isn't much of a problem, many articles have multiple images and if your one is judged to be best it could be used as the top image.

Like any part of OA the process is one of first posting and then having rounds of feedback, discussion and revision. Rarely something gets accepted first time (though artwork generally has a much quicker route to inclusion on the site) even amongst us old-timers. When you have something simply post it here with an appropriate title and a link to the article you intend it for. You don't even have to have a firm idea of where to put it.
OA Wish list:
  1. DNI
  2. Internal medical system
  3. A dormbot, because domestic chores suck!

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