The Orion's Arm Universe Project Forums

What other worlds do you have?
Who here worldbuilds for something other than OA? Me I've always loved worldbuilding, long before I realised there was a name for it. OA is the only collab project I'm a part of (and the biggest world given its age and teamwork). But I have a few solo projects too. Each one has its own file on my computer, some I've spent a long time on, others were a quick exploration of one idea that didn't go much beyond that. My main solo efforts are a fantasy world based on economics of magic and a soft(ish) SF world. I've also played round with a super hero story and have started on a new fantasy setting based on multiple magic systems trying to coexist.

How about you guys Smile
OA Wish list:
  1. DNI
  2. Internal medical system
  3. A dormbot, because domestic chores suck!
Around a year and a half or two years ago I started work on a fantasy world populated mostly by sophont capybaras Smile
I'm currently in the midst of transferring my "sandbox" setting from the "observation shadow" of the Milky Way galaxy into its own dwarf spheroidal galaxy (which comes equipped with an intermediate-mass central black hole). When (or if) the setting is complete, there will be about 1450 systems that have given rise to sophont civilizations (though about a quarter of that number has become extinct and are known only by their artifacts). This is a long-term solo project designed to look at interactions among and between non-human civilizations at various stages of technological and societal development.

"I'd much rather see you on my side, than scattered into... atoms." Ming the Merciless, Ruler of the Universe
I've had a sci fi world in my head for a long time now. I focus on particular events and stories in this world. Its a parallel-ish universe to ours; a bunch of humans developed on an earth-like planet. However, my main focus of the stories is a logical plotline, no aliens, and cool stories. In my head, I imagine each story as a movie. So far they've colonized several systems and met various misfortunes. It is present entirely in my head, but I think about it a lot.
I've gone from quite a few worlds, from humans colonizing a new and strange continent to the US government discovering Hell at the peak of the Cold War. I usually run into some issue and start over from scratch, lol. By far my time at OA has been more productive than most other projects ;p I am also a member of the SCP Foundation project (which I would strongly advise you check it - it's pretty damn good IMO) as well as its spin-off site, the Wanderer's Library.
James Rogers, Professional Idiot
I have a (relatively) near future world about six to eight centuries in our future, with people (re)expanding into a mostly-depopulated solar system. There're no colony ships as such, but some of the ice miners in the outer Oort cloud have reached a point where minor course corrections switch them from sol-centric to proxima-centauri centric orbits about twice a week. None of them really considering the implications of that though, and nobody's headed insystem to proxima; there's no markets down there.
I've written a few different spec-fic worlds at different times. Some quite sensible, others a little more outlandish - the whole world turning to Dharmic religions, ashrams being the main funding force behind space colonisation etc Smile I wasn't even Hindu at the time of that one!

Also, a couple years ago I used to go on some alternate history forums. Wrote a bit there.
Worldbuilding is mah lief.

(01-16-2016, 09:59 PM)Centauri5921 Wrote: I am also a member of the SCP Foundation project (which I would strongly advise you check it - it's pretty damn good IMO) as well as its spin-off site, the Wanderer's Library.
[REDACTED] ████████ ██ with [DATA EXPUNGED].

Earth's Shadow - Takes place probably a few dozen millennia after humanity leaves Solsys. An assortment of low-tekkers decide to settle in a moon system, terraform a few moons, then their mainframe AI network fails spontaneously. All technology that relied on this network fails catastrophically, as well as every mind that needed that technology or any mind that happened to be connected to the network at that time. Very few sophonts survive and then fantastical post-apocalyptic adventures happen, with broken DNIs and wandering AI functioning as telepathy and spirits and ghosts, with provolves and lazurogens as talking cats and dragons. With lower gravity and a higher air pressure for easier flight.

Skyward - Had a zero-gravity world in mind for this, with floating islands and stuff. It's basically a fantasy version of what's seen in Karl Schroeder's Virga series (which I happened upon when I actively searched around for freefall environment fiction). Schroeder beat me to it by years... Ehehehe.

Transverse - Space opera with classical physics and sufficiently analysed magic that follows the inverse-square law. No special relativity (like back in Newton's time), convenient instant interstellar communication, compact wormholes, jump drives, actually-nice-for-once precursors, and other spacey tropes. And also everyone is biochemically compatible with each other, because of all life being seeded by the mysteriously-missing ancients. And the place is actually a virch, so there's that.

And there's this world that I helped develop, a small section of a Banks Orbital that is cut off from other segments. People in there are trying to get past the walls at the moment.

Also working on a future Mars for a group project online, a Mars maybe 700 million years in the future.
Good to see we all have our own projects, mars in 700 million years seems like a crazy but interesting challenge.

What do people use to keep track of things? I use scriviner which is a great piece of kit for large writing projects. Any time I have an idea I file it away under creatures, religions, societies, laws etc in whatever relevant world.
OA Wish list:
  1. DNI
  2. Internal medical system
  3. A dormbot, because domestic chores suck!
(01-16-2016, 09:59 PM)Centauri5921 Wrote: I've gone from quite a few worlds, from humans colonizing a new and strange continent to the US government discovering Hell at the peak of the Cold War. I usually run into some issue and start over from scratch, lol. By far my time at OA has been more productive than most other projects ;p I am also a member of the SCP Foundation project (which I would strongly advise you check it - it's pretty damn good IMO) as well as its spin-off site, the Wanderer's Library.

I've somewhat familiar with the SCP Foundation and have visited their site a few times. They get mentioned a lot on TV under Web Original projects (along with OA, which is how I found them).

An interesting project and premise - I've enjoyed reading about them on TV Tropes and the articles that I've read onsite. I'd also recommend them to others here.

Have you had an article/entry accepted onto the site? One thing I noticed is that they seem their approach to potential new contributions to the project. Was somewhat wondering how that worked in practice.


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