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Possibilities for periodic non-fire runaway chemical reactions?
What about digestion? Specifically, what about something like a locust/army ant swarm or maybe (to be more alien still) something like a high speed slime mold/the Blob that consumes organic matter across some large area but is also limited due to some combination of limited lifetime/running out of food/environmental limits?

During an outbreak it could consume organic matter in large quantities, but afterwards things could grow back - until the next time.

Another thought - on a world with more active tidal forces (moon of a gas giant perhaps) and a hotter core perhaps there would be more volcanic events and so mass destruction followed by renewal would happen more often.

Just some thoughts,

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RE: Possibilities for periodic non-fire runaway chemical reactions? - by Drashner1 - 01-12-2025, 09:57 PM

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