The Orion's Arm Universe Project Forums

Teegarden's Star and its two planet candidates
I was thinking about the star when I came across this, so I whipped this up to bump the article: Because there’s already many ideas of what to do here I believe we should combine them to create an interesting history. Of course we need to alter them so that they can fit together. The AIs could get there first, but then are followed shortly after by a human expedition. The AIs tolerates this, and the two cultures tenuously coexist, before stronger connections are made over 100s of years and gradually once society is made. (Using Aldrin Cyclers to go between the two planets). Then a while later they or another group create a neogen whale/shark ecology.

Of course, this is just one version of events, and is really meant to bring more discussion.  Smile

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RE: Teegarden's Star and its two planet candidates - by BorkLord - 12-14-2024, 08:19 AM

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