The Orion's Arm Universe Project Forums

I believe that introductions are in order
 Hello, to whoever is reading this.
 I’m new to this forum (literally; I registered today), but not so much the OAUP’s canon, because I’ve followed the website for a little over a year, now.
 My earliest recollection of the website is from a reference made to it by a friend, who had, at the time, been world-building a science-fiction project of their own. I didn’t understand a thing at the time, and much like Dungeons and Dragons’ mechanics, or publications by Springer and Elsevier, it left me feeling quite scientifically illiterate.
 However, when I had to visit the website for my own world-building project, five months ago, I first encountered the sophonce scale of singularity levels, and—as a freshly-minted initiate into both intuitive spirituality, as well as physics—fell in love at first sight. I found myself, soon enough, also perusing the website’s index of technologies, strategies, and (most pertinently), civilisations. The latter was the event which convinced me to engage in science-fiction-themed role-play in earnest: I haven’t looked back since, and it’s been a wild ride.
 I do intend to properly contribute my own submissions (pending approval) to the official website, because I have WIP ideas and concepts which don’t quite fit anywhere in my ‘verse, but may be appropriate and relevant to the OAUP’s canon. My favourite aspect and nuance of the OAUP is, arguably, the great(est) archai.

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I believe that introductions are in order - by lordsoverenege - 10-24-2024, 11:14 PM

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