The Orion's Arm Universe Project Forums

A few questions about Orion's Arm
A few historical figures were made into evocations and simms, early forms of charactervot, during the Interplanetary Age, and some of these might still be around. The 'Anders Persona' based on Anders Sandberg is supposed to be an example of this, although last time we discussed this entity I think we decided to make it a rumour rather than a real historical figure.

There may be a few survivors from the lost generation ships that left Sol during the Sundering; they will have been long dead when recovered, but the damage could be repaired after a fashion, and the reconstituted corpsicle would think they were the same person.

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RE: A few questions about Orion's Arm - by stevebowers - 09-18-2024, 07:54 PM

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