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Nearby hypervelocity brown dwarf discovered
(07-28-2024, 02:41 AM)Rakuen07 Wrote: I agree with the Astronomer. This brown dwarf should just be a stray astronomical body who just so happen to have a convenient route towards the center of the galaxy. However, even then I think that the Terragens would take an interest in such a object and send expeditions there. In OA it is known that there is a HEEC around the center of the  galaxy and, while it would be inconvenient to reroute the brown dwarf, it is massive enough to be able to host one S4 archailect (who perhaps could be the Terragen's emissary) and several more sophonts and transapients. So, even if the object isn't originally a expedition vehicle it could be turned so by the Terragens. Thoughts?

Yeah, I think this is a good idea. Note that many of the likely natural formation methods are fairly extreme in nature and may deprive it of any major satellite, so it would likely start off as a rather unattractive colonisation target, but I'll read more.

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RE: Nearby hypervelocity brown dwarf discovered - by AstroChara - 07-28-2024, 03:23 AM

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