The Orion's Arm Universe Project Forums

EG Redesign - Ideas and Suggestions?
(06-29-2024, 05:59 AM)Drashner1 Wrote: Another possibility that might reduce the overall number of articles to move is to reimagine how information is organized in the EG.

As a major example - the History Topic contains some 33 sub-Topics - out of around a total of 300 - so something like 10% of our Topics are devoted to just that one aspect of the setting. Replacing all that with a single very large page, perhaps with 'table of contents' links to jump down to specific area, search functions, and possibly other things would hopefully be a better end-user experience (of course all the actual entries would still have to go in....).

Something I would love love love - but don't know that a wiki can do it - is to make a timeline that we can take chunks of and insert into other pages - creating 'sub-timelines' in other articles - that are still linked back to the master timeline. So a change to the master is automatically reflected in all sub-timelines. I'm told this is possible and not all that hard, but it would need Trond to program it up. If a wiki could just do something like that baked in, I would be very impressed.


You could do this with our existing timeline but you'd need to define a rule for which content you want to include in a given sub-timeline (eg, this timeline shows articles that descend from this topic, or articles in this time window, or whatever), then we'd need to add markup to let you specify that in the editor.

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RE: EG Redesign - Ideas and Suggestions? - by administrator - 07-13-2024, 03:47 PM

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