The Orion's Arm Universe Project Forums

EG Redesign - Ideas and Suggestions?
(06-29-2024, 12:43 AM)Avengium Wrote: For people who want more customization, there are lots of skins:

I support the idea of a wiki. I think mediawiki is overkill for pretty much any use case.

Drashner suggested that such a migration is only feasible if there is automation, to which I very much aggree. But that's pretty hard to do with media wiki as it uses a rather complicated database structure.

Rather, I would suggest Gollum.

Which is a web interface over a git repository. It also works with several markup languages, though markdown (supported in several dialects) is most common. Now, I do not know what the current format of EG is, but assuming it's html or we can get html, automated tools for conversion to already markdown exist.

What would be required is a skript for setting intra wiki links.

When that is run, since the underlying structure is a git, we could simply check in pages to the wiki.

I'm willing to try this, if I can some pages as they are currently stored in the CMS, best some pages that currently link to one another and have category / subcategory / article relationship.

There are various other wiki softwares as well.

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RE: EG Redesign - Ideas and Suggestions? - by 1of3 - 07-13-2024, 04:49 AM

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