The Orion's Arm Universe Project Forums

EG Redesign - Ideas and Suggestions?
Would it be fiendishly difficult to port the entire EG to a more traditional wiki-style format? Or at least something with better/easier search functionality? Maybe something with fun multimedia functionalities, pop-up windows, etc.?

I agree with previous statements to the effect that the current aesthetic of the EG is great as-is, but I feel like we could make the under-the-hood stuff a bit more streamlined/efficient/etc.
We are not simply in the universe, we are part of it. We are born from it. One might even say we have been empowered by the universe to figure itself out... and we have only just begun.
-Neill DeGrasse Tyson

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RE: EG Redesign - Ideas and Suggestions? - by Andrew P. - 06-28-2024, 08:13 AM

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