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Long time lurker that is bursting with questions!

So these seem essentially like sandblasters , which is a tool used in manufacturing to strip paint and polish surfaces. There might be crowd control or weapons applications for these more exotic sandblasting/duster materials , but yeah , at least going off my knowledge of sandblasters and those toy guns that shoot salt to kill flies
some of the possibilities seem limited compared to anything resembling a gun? But then I might be missing something.
Using these in an atmosphere seems like an odd choice unless you want everyone to breath dust, and require respirators for the operator...
I’m wondering if it has more use as an improvised weapon than an intentional one, like miners blasting moondust and hylonano bots at a facility..

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RE: Long time lurker that is bursting with questions! - by Worldtree - 06-21-2024, 01:46 AM

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