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Long time lurker that is bursting with questions!
Sorry for the late reply, IRL.

That was also the general impression I got when looked into the concept. Which to me sounds like a form macron gun, which is meant vacuum warfare.

So a few question's I have regarding Dusters are:

- What is the efficiency of a Duster? In terms of power usage.

- How can individual Dust particles be accelerated with EM fields? If we are assuming induction coil guns, wouldn't the Dust be vaporised by the heat?

- How they able to be of any use? While there range is pitiful compared to other ranged weapons (with 75m being a metric I remember) I would expect that they would still not be useful to beyond point blank as the velocity for the individual dust particles to be effective would be high enough that they get vaporised from the KE alone.

- Could something like the matryoshka effect be used in place of a laser? With individual grains of dust being sacrificed to blow a tunnel for the next one to achieve high velocities in atmosphere?

Sorry for the amount of disjointed questions that have little community. Seeing as the original creator of the post isn't around I understand if it not everything I ask is answerable.

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RE: Long time lurker that is bursting with questions! - by Cherub - 06-20-2024, 05:09 PM

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