The Orion's Arm Universe Project Forums

Hello everybody - ancient user here
(03-03-2024, 12:17 AM)Worldtree Wrote: Hi! Welcome to posting here Smile

I think We have about  1-15 posts, and discussion here every day, depending on how busy we are in the rest of our lives - you can look at posts in two most used forums - EG articles and General discussion to see- writing any decently well thought out response on the forum does take a bit longer sometimes  . There’s fairly regular discussion in casual conversation on discord every day? Also *we have a dedicated forum rather than a yahoo discussion group, then shifted the vast bulk of casual/more quick response conversation to discord- that’s the biggest change since 2013, I think?)

What have you missed in the past 8-9 years? Well, look at the updates page since 2015 Smile there’s been a lot of writing since then.

Overall, I think we’ve started to shift toward taking  the consequences of OA technologies in everyday life into account more. We rewrite old articles more often, and I think the quality of article writing has improved, especially around core topics. There’s far more illustrations and images as you might have noticed? There might be many more articles written by multiple people , or we just acknowledge it more.

All of The fiction is (in the first stage) of having been organized in a more user friendly way with summaries, length, etc

How were you influenced years ago?

Edit: ah I see you actually posted a few times in 2017 so , you have been active Smile welcome back

Oh wow I'm a little messy with old-style forums, I'm reeeeeally out of date. 

I just joined the Discord, which feels charming and nice, I just had a nice discussion on there. 

I was influenced I think, to becoming a Singularitan and a transhumanist. I think I'm still something of a transhumanist, but I'm more ambivalent about it, I guess. It's partly because for the past few years my intellectual journey has gotten me into Continental philosophy, psychoanalysis and critical theory (think Deleuze, Derrida, Kant, Hegel, Adorno, Benjamin et al. In fact, actually, I wonder if now there's something I can contribute to OA because of my new background in philosophy
"In this submersion it seems that there is extracted from chaos the shadow of the "people to come" in the form that art, but also philosophy and science, summon forth: mass-people, world-people, brain-people, chaos-people..." - Deleuze and Guattari

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RE: Hello everybody - ancient user here - by kingofthemerdz3 - 03-03-2024, 12:12 PM

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