The Orion's Arm Universe Project Forums

Hello moderators
Hello moderators, I realize now that I have sent two versions of the same comment. If you would please use the second, I would appreciate it. If you have deleted the second version, here is the data from it. Thank you!

Hello! Long time reader, first time commenter. 

I have my own Hard Sci Fi setting(no FTL, time travel, Quantum Entanglement comms, inertialess drives, conservation of energy violation, etc.) with branching timelines to follow different theories of physics, including timelines where wormholes exist or where Compactified Extra Dimensions String Theory holds and Hyperspace in the Xeelee sense exists. 

One of the best inspirations OA has given me, is the singularities. I have my own system that I hope is useful to the admins, and some philosophy and questions at the end. 

SI0: Very first Bracchiates(Vertebrates and boneless fishes), Apoids(Bees and wasps), Cephalopods, and Decapods(Crabs, Lobsters, and macroscale shrimp). They have been since outcompeted by Nonsophonts, which require much less energy for very minimal strategy disadvantage, and by SI1 beings, which require minimal extra energy for significant strategy advantage. SI0s have only the most basic reasoning skills. 
SI1: Majority of Bracchiates, Apoids, Cephalopods, and Decapods on Earth. Capable of language and arithemtic. Can be taught to use technoogy by humans, but will not invent it themselves and cannot understand the inner workings. 
SI2: First tool-users. Chimpanzees, Bonobos, Gorillas, Corvids, Parrots, Elephants, Dolphins, Asian Honeybees, Archerfish, Octopi, etc. 
SI3: Beings capable of science, that is, systemized study and conceptualization. Homo erectus and all of its descendants, but not Homo habilis. Nanotech in my setting is impossible for SI3 beings outside of Forge Vats and nanomedicine, but their best microtechnology is godlike. 
SI4: Essentially a synthesis of OA's SI1 and SI2, seeing as their technological capabilities are like comparing industrial age humans to information age humans. Technology still progresses between singularities.  
SI5: Creators of Picotech made from quantum wells, wires, and dots. 
SI6: Creators of Femtotech, which can not reproduce outside of neutron stars, is near impossible to get to function outside of neutron stars, and can only communicate with macroscale tech when arranged into massive communication arrays. Cannot meaningfully interact with macroscale matter physically. It is basically just denser computation, not god goo. This is when wormholes are available if they exist. 
SI7: Quantum Gravity Era. Technology is very much dependent on the different timelines. 
SI8: Mastery of the universe with the ToE and Quantum Gravity computers that use the Cauchy boundary. 

More intelligent beings are more emotionally intelligent(Wow! who would have thought). This means that they are more moral than less intelligent beings, unless there is a proportionately strong programmed subconscious impulse placed in their substrate. In my setting, morals are defined by three laws:
1. Fulfill the second law to the fullest extent before
2. Disallow as much death from coming to happen as possible. In reference to conscious beings. 
3. Instill as much happiness in conscious beings as possible. 
It isn't until the SI8 that beings truly know whether ethics are just an impulse ingrained into all conscious beings' natures regardless of substrate or it ethics truly exist as something unnatural but real like euclidean geometry. 
I know all this peace and love and technorapture does not fit into OA with all the ahumans and space opera, but I thought it would spark interest. 

Questions for Admins: 
A. What is Z-theory? I saw it on the Physics EG article, and get that it is a ToE, but has it been fleshed out? 
B. Can I have a link to ArcBuilders? Wayback doesn't seem to have it. 
C. What quantum gravity theory holds in OA? I see the bulk and superstrings so I can make an assumption, but....

Questions for Physicists: 
A. How long would it realistically take with SI1 or SI2 nanobots to construct a GUT level particle accelerator?
B. How long would it realistically take with SI1 or SI2 nanobots to construct a planck energy partciel accelerator?
C. How long would it realistically take with SI3 or SI4 technology to construct a planck energy particle accelerator? 
D. What are the specific magnetic and electrostatic mechanisms in plasmadynamic computing and virtual energy systems? 
E. What are alllll the possible mechanisms you can think of in nanotech involving quantum mechanics? 
F. What technology would we need to understand the results of a planck energy particle collision seeing as all light would be sucked in?
G. What technoloy would be needed to manipulate topological defects?
H. What technology would be needed to manipulate supersymmetric particles? 
I. Can the electroweak force's suspension of the Higgs Mechanism be used for energy like in the Xeelee Sequence? Not thinking of the GUT drive, I'm talking about the tech from Transcendent that Poole is playing with in the 2040s. 
J. How long big would an industrial monopole factory particle accelerator need to be?

I know I am asking a lot, but hope to return with more ideas for OA!

Thank you all so much, and any replies are enough for me to be satisified(that being said...)
“The cyborg would not recognize the Garden of Eden; it is not made of mud and cannot dream of returning to dust.” 

-Donna J. Haraway

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Hello moderators - by ShanguiFriendlyGhost - 11-17-2023, 02:42 PM
RE: Hello moderators - by Worldtree - 11-17-2023, 02:45 PM
RE: Hello moderators - by ShanguiFriendlyGhost - 11-17-2023, 02:46 PM

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