The Orion's Arm Universe Project Forums

What does a "Low-tech" system for protecting a planet from a Solar Storm look like?
In terms of your second suggestion, this like a lower tech version of the Lagrange Magshield used in OA as part of the terraforming of Mars. See the link in the Development Notes for a RL article on the idea.

This article also talks about various possible methods for preparing for/predticting/detecting/protecting against a Carrington level event without going into space at all. It seems like it might best fit the tech level you're suggesting since it doesn't seem to require megaengineering (by our current standards), just a moderately high degree of global cooperation and national will. And it sounds like at least some parts of it might already be in the works or at least getting planned for/discussed.

Hope this helps,

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RE: What does a "Low-tech" system for protecting a planet from a Solar Storm look like? - by Drashner1 - 10-24-2023, 11:54 AM

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