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Vs debate one homo superior vs X amount of delta force soldier
(09-18-2023, 06:33 AM)stevebowers Wrote: Interesting problem. I should note, however, that we don't generally go in for 'vs' debates here in OA.

The Homo Superior (Su)  would almost certainly use his training and superior mental processing capability to avoid getting into such a situation in the first place. Even if the Su had reflexes significantly in advance of the humans, eventually he or she (e) would be outclassed by sheer force of numbers. Perhaps the Su would have augmented eyesight and aiming capability, and would be able to target several of eir opponents before they managed to hit em. But given enough opponents the odds are e would be hit eventually.

Fair enough, I just found the list of Homo Superiors ability listed rather vague, which may of been a wise choice because both between the variety of clades in Orion arm, and how giving exact numbers run into no sense of scale.

I just want to get a idea of how exactly superhuman Homo superiors are, they do not seem much stronger muscle wise with it being noted they are 2-3 times stronger. But the combination of enhanced muitasking, pattern recognition,innate calculation, kinsthetic senses and slearning seems like it may make there minds stronger than there body.

I am just kind of curious, would a Homo superior have what it takes to be a superhuman, how scary would a army of them be. It one of most cohesive human upgrades I seen in fiction that seems both subtle, aka not a mass of nano bots, versatile and physics sound.

Is there any stories that give a good idea of what Homo superior are about.

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RE: Vs debate one homo superior vs X amount of delta force soldier - by Bawksrafon - 09-18-2023, 06:42 AM

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