The Orion's Arm Universe Project Forums

The Outer Volumes Project
Hi There - Welcome to OA!

This sounds very interesting. If there's a way to provide a link to the livestream during the event or (even better) a recording of it after the fact, available for us to put on the website or in the forum that would be very nice.

Re the issue of attribution (which for various reasons ends up crossing my metaphorical desk a lot):

As Worldtree has suggested, reading our Terms and Conditions is a good idea on general principles. Having said that, it sounds much more intimidating than it is and - with some exceptions - boils down to the following:

a) You retain the copyright to any content you submit to the project and can do with it what you wish outside of the OA project.

b) You grant the OA project (OAUP) the right in perpetuity to do whatever we wish with the content you've submitted to us. That includes combining it with content from other members, modifying it as we see fit, or even deleting it from the project. This also includes granting other people - including people outside the OAUP - the right to use content submitted to the OAUP (to varying degrees, depending on the situation) as long as they provide proper attribution to the OAUP. Generally, this consists of a short attribution statement and our URL - details varying with the content and how it is to be used. We are happy to discuss details with the aim of coming to a mutually satisfactory arrangement.

Applying this to what you've told us so far:

1) With some exceptions, an officer of the OAUP (both Worldtree and myself are such, we can loop in others if needed) has the power to grant you rights to use content found on the OA website without the need for you to go to each individual contributor to get their permission. This can be done on a content by content basis or for a batch of content or in the form of a semi-blanket permission. The details depend on the specific situation and possibly the consensus of a meeting of the OAUP 'management'.

1a) If you wish to contact each individual artist and get their direct permission to use an image they've submitted to OA, their permission overrides our organizational permission since they retain the copyright to their works. Whatever attribution they want for that arrangement is something you would need to work out with them. You can just provide us copies of their permission statement in that kind of case.

2) Re those exceptions - there are some works that have been submitted to the OAUP that have their own standalone agreements that override our more general attribution guidelines and use more traditional copyright requirement. These should all be noted in some fashion in the artwork credits on the web page where the image is located. Works by Keith Widgor are a recent case of this and also involve the use of AI art software. As has been noted, works by Keith - as well as a few other contributors as noted on the page(s) where their artwork appears - will need you to contact the artist directly for permission to use their content.

3) On general principles, the easiest way to navigate this situation is to send us a list (with links to the relevant website pages) of the images you would like to use. We can review these pretty quickly to determine which (if any) require specific permission from the artist vs our organizational permission and then get back to you.

Ok, I think that about covers my thinking at this point. If you have any questions or concerns about any of the above, the Terms and Conditions or anything else, please don't hesitate to ask us.

Hope this helps,


EDIT: Should have said this earlier - if the T&C and our above approach works for you, please let us know and we can then see what we can do to assist (within our admittedly limited available time) with your project.
Introverts of the World - Unite! Separately....In our own homes.

Messages In This Thread
The Outer Volumes Project - by DJ_Gravitron - 07-11-2023, 02:10 PM
RE: The Outer Volumes Project - by Worldtree - 07-11-2023, 02:20 PM
RE: The Outer Volumes Project - by Drashner1 - 07-11-2023, 11:52 PM
RE: The Outer Volumes Project - by Drashner1 - 07-11-2023, 11:58 PM
RE: The Outer Volumes Project - by Worldtree - 09-12-2023, 05:47 AM
RE: The Outer Volumes Project - by Worldtree - 09-21-2023, 08:33 AM

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