The Orion's Arm Universe Project Forums

The Outer Volumes Project
Hi y'all, I'm an electro/techno DJ in upstate NY and I'm doing a 1 hour show in September that I've called “Outer Volumes” which will feature techno music from my decks, my narration through a vocoder, a giant LED wall featuring various OA animations, AI-animated OA art, and footage from any and all simulation programs such as Celestia. To top it off, there will be an audience of about 400 people (the “sophonts”) who, despite promotional materials, will have no idea what they’re getting into. This is key because my alias is borne out of my first experience on a Gravitron at a fair: comfort and excitement in the loss of control. The performance is scheduled for September 23, 5:30-6:30 EST at a fancy performing arts center in Oneonta, NY (Catskills/upstate) and will definitely be livestreamed.

I found OA through the Peshay mix on Youtube and I’ve been slowly immersing myself, though working full-time has been making that hard to do. I’m beginning to realize that I can’t do this alone, so please consider this post an invitation to the entire community to collaborate, especially for videos and animation. I’ll probably want to avoid sexual or nightmare fuel visuals since kids will be in attendance. I’m still not 100% on the plot, I could go anywhere from virtual gardens to planet destruction so I’ll welcome suggestions to that end, preferably if there is already existing art I can ask to use.

I should have my mixcloud link in my bio, the mix I have posted is a VERY rough draft of something along the lines of this project but it was apparently enough to get me booked! I'll be honing my DJ skills during this time as well. I'm really excited for this community to discover Detroit techno if you haven't already, I think there isn't any genre that fits this universe as well as this stuff does. Examples below:

Funky outer space stuff: The Martian - LBH6251876 (A Red Planet Compilation) (Full Album) - YouTube

Dark science stuff: Dopplereffekt - Cellular Automata (Full Album) - YouTube

Example of vocoder use: Aux 88 - Electro , Techno (1996) - YouTube

Messages In This Thread
The Outer Volumes Project - by DJ_Gravitron - 07-11-2023, 02:10 PM
RE: The Outer Volumes Project - by Worldtree - 07-11-2023, 02:20 PM
RE: The Outer Volumes Project - by Drashner1 - 07-11-2023, 11:52 PM
RE: The Outer Volumes Project - by Drashner1 - 07-11-2023, 11:58 PM
RE: The Outer Volumes Project - by Worldtree - 09-12-2023, 05:47 AM
RE: The Outer Volumes Project - by Worldtree - 09-21-2023, 08:33 AM

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