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[split] The Garden Worlds article off topic questions
(06-12-2022, 09:55 PM)SaiShen Wrote: Some waters and aethers might even create lifeforms. How does hyperspace tie in?

EDIT: moderation split this thread from the original, here

I think you should read through the setting a bit more - try searching either term using the search functions- Orions arm doesn’t have hyperspace and “aethers”

At least according to this old definition of Aether.

“According to ancient and medieval science, aether (/ˈiːθər/, alternative spellings include æther, aither, and ether), also known as the fifth element or quintessence, is the material that fills the region of the universe beyond the terrestrial sphere.”- Wikipedia 

However, we do use some fairly speculative forms of alien biochemistry
[Image: Gaylien1.png]

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Garden Worlds article - by Worldtree - 06-12-2022, 10:07 PM
RE: The Garden Worlds article - by SaiShen - 06-12-2022, 11:45 PM
RE: The Garden Worlds article - by Worldtree - 06-13-2022, 12:17 AM
RE: The Garden Worlds article - by Drashner1 - 06-13-2022, 12:20 AM
RE: The Garden Worlds article - by SaiShen - 06-13-2022, 01:04 AM
RE: The Garden Worlds article - by SaiShen - 06-13-2022, 01:09 AM
RE: The Garden Worlds article - by SaiShen - 06-13-2022, 01:15 AM
RE: The Garden Worlds article - by SaiShen - 06-13-2022, 01:24 AM
RE: The Garden Worlds article - by SaiShen - 06-13-2022, 01:30 AM
RE: The Garden Worlds article - by SaiShen - 06-13-2022, 01:31 AM
RE: The Garden Worlds article - by SaiShen - 06-13-2022, 01:32 AM
RE: The Garden Worlds article - by SaiShen - 06-13-2022, 01:54 AM
RE: The Garden Worlds article - by Worldtree - 06-13-2022, 02:07 AM
RE: The Garden Worlds article - by SaiShen - 06-13-2022, 02:12 AM
RE: The Garden Worlds article - by Worldtree - 06-13-2022, 02:15 AM
RE: The Garden Worlds article - by Worldtree - 06-13-2022, 02:18 AM
RE: The Garden Worlds article - by Drashner1 - 06-13-2022, 02:42 AM
RE: The Garden Worlds article - by Worldtree - 06-13-2022, 03:42 AM

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