(08-18-2021, 09:31 PM)Rho Ophiuchi Wrote: Would it make sense to have the S1 that would eventually become an S2 "recruit" individuals from that colony in 1600 AT?
Yup that certainly works.
(08-18-2021, 09:31 PM)Rho Ophiuchi Wrote: Also, how uncommon and how influential were S1 entities in 1600 AT?
We've never set the exact numbers throughout the timeline, but in the current era there are roughly 1000x less transaps/archai every level you go up. Around this time period S2s are quite rare, but are steadily getting more numerous as the safer routes through the second singularity are charted. If we posit 10-100 S2s existing at the time, then we'd expect 10-100,000 S1s across the entire setting. They're not going to be evenly distributed (some systems might have hundreds, others none), but they're also not going to be so rare that you wouldn't see them running projects like this.
In terms of influence they'd have extensive influence, if they wanted it. In reality most S1 probably don't spend that much time interacting with modos or modo civilisation. Those that do could either directly control nations (making them akin to world leaders of superpowers IRL) or indirectly exert influence financially/culturally (imagine a cross between social media influencer and billionaire).
(08-18-2021, 09:31 PM)Rho Ophiuchi Wrote: Similarly, how uncommon and how influential were S2 entities in 2800 AT?
2800 is the age of establishment. The archai have arrived and begin to build metaempires with wormhole backbones. We're going to be updatin this part of the canon soon as it's not been touched in many years, but that aspect will likely stay. There will be a small number of S4 archai in this period (the first ascending just a couple of centuries prior). Using the same rule of thumb above and assuming around 10 S4, there would be about 10,000 S2 and 10 million S1. Again their influence would range from extensive, to light, to not-present, depending on the system.
(08-18-2021, 09:31 PM)Rho Ophiuchi Wrote: Also, how do members of OA write the actions of transapients if their goals and thoughts are by definition not understandable? And can modosophonts even tell the difference between different transapient intelligences?
Unless their being deceived modos can tell by observation. Typically of things like "what kind of processor does the S1 use?" and "what kind of infrastructure is it building?"
Writing about transaps is very difficult and it's something even experienced members struggle with. My top two tips are these:
1) Treat transap more like acts of nature, not characters. Characters have understandable motivations, storms do not. This isn't to mean a transap needs to be treated as a destructive force, but their actions can have massive consequences and modos at the time will shrug and deal with it without bothering too much with why the transap is doing what they're doing.
2) Make use of avatars when writing dialog. A transap could hold in-depth conversations with hundreds of humans at once, and it would be barely any less distracting than a human having a casual conversation while doing the dishes. Most of the time a transap wouldn't even bother talking to a human, instead they'd whip up a semi-autonomous program that would do it for them. If people are talking to your transap they should be talking to an avatar, which may have personality quirks not representative of the being that made it.
(08-18-2021, 09:31 PM)Rho Ophiuchi Wrote: Lastly, in the current era, are there S2 entities that find and expose whatever nonsense previous S2 entities pulled to the general public, or would random "edits to history" that an S2 did to an entire system in 3300 AT or similar still not be common knowledge? I am asking because an objective view of the system's history would probably be very different than the modosophont history of a system that has been run by a questionably stable S2 for thousands of years.
Tentatively I'd say yes. The study of history isn't something just reserved for modos, and if there is historical evidence that a transap deceived a large group for a long time later modos could find it out, potentially with transap help.
OA Wish list:
- Internal medical system
- A dormbot, because domestic chores suck!