The Orion's Arm Universe Project Forums

Centauri Dreams articles
(03-02-2021, 01:48 AM)sandcastles Wrote: How many of you are already following the articles on the Centauri Dreams blog?

This is about using red giant stars as computers.

A number of us are familiar with Centauri Dreams in at least a general way. Their articles/discussions have informed our own, and the development of various EG articles, on numerous occasions.

The structure described here sounds like a form of Matrioshka Brain or maybe a Dyson Brain - but 'supercharged' due to the high energy environment.

The EG does make passing mention of Terragens (the Panvirtuality in particular) using high energy stars as computational platforms, but currently doesn't go into detail. So what this paper describes could be a form of that.

I'll need to grab some time to try to look at the actual paper as it sounds quite interesting. In the meantime, if anyone is feeling inspired to develop this idea for the OA setting, by all means feel free.


Messages In This Thread
Centauri Dreams articles - by sandcastles - 03-02-2021, 01:48 AM
RE: Centauri Dreams articles - by Drashner1 - 03-02-2021, 04:00 AM
RE: Centauri Dreams articles - by stevebowers - 03-02-2021, 07:34 AM

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