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How to see a wormhole
Quote:We suggest a new scenario of high-energy particle collisions in the background of a wormhole. Particle 1 falls from the right infinity, decays to particles 2 and 3. Particle 3 escapes to the left infinity, while particle 2 bounces back and collides with particle 4 moving from the right infinity. If a wormhole is on the verge of forming the horizon (but the horizon does not form), the energy in the center of mass frame can become unbounded. If a wormhole rotates and negative energy states are possible, the energy of debris after collision measured at infinity can become unbounded as well.
Quote:One of the methods of obtaining the super-Penrose process consists in arranging the headon collision in the point with a small value of the lapse function. To this end, a particle that was ingoing converts into an outgoing due to reflection from the potential barrier with subsequent collision with another particle coming from infinity. This is realized in the metric with naked singularities [5], [6], [17] where the potential barrier has indefinitely big height. Meanwhile, in the present work where wormholes were considered, the barrier if finite. It turned out that two main features are inherent to the kind of scenario under discussion. For pure static wormholes, it warrants unbounded Ec.m. If a wormhole is rotating, it also leads to unbounded E, i.e. the super-Penrose process. A separate question arises, how a remote observer who registers high-energy particles at infinity, can distinguish between a naked singularity and a wormhole.

Messages In This Thread
How to see a wormhole - by tmazanec1 - 10-13-2020, 11:38 PM
RE: How to see a wormhole - by stevebowers - 10-15-2020, 03:33 AM
RE: How to see a wormhole - by Drashner1 - 10-15-2020, 01:35 PM
RE: How to see a wormhole - by tmazanec1 - 01-14-2021, 10:37 PM

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